His Holiness Addresses Over Ten Thousands Audiences in Buenos Aires

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15september2011argentina3Buenos Aires, Argentina: Tibet's spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Wednesday morning gave an interview with Ms Susana Giménez, whose programme is considered one of the best in the history of television in Argentina.

During the interview, His Holiness dealt with various questions wide ranging from ethics and morality, social problems including wide spread corruption, role of media in mitigating social problems, and retirement of the Dalai Lama etc. Her interview with His Holiness was telecast this evening.

After the interview, His Holiness departed for Luna Park Stadium, where he gave a public talk on "Finding Happiness in the Troubled Times' for 6,500 people.

When His Holiness arrived at the stadium, many of the people who came to attend his talk could not managed to enter into the stadium because of the long line and tight security arrangements made by the Federal Police of Argentina, which provides high profile security protection to His Holiness during his stay in Buenos Aires. His Holiness rested for 10 minutes in the Green Room of the stadium until most of the people managed to enter into the stadium.

Before His Holiness went on to the stage, Prof Horacio E. Araujo (Lama Sangye Dory) welcomed His Holiness on behalf of the hosts of the visit-Kagyu Thekchen Choeling and Dongyuling Drukpa Kagyu Center-and also introduced His Holiness to the audience. After the introduction, when His Holiness went on the stage, He was given a rousing welcome by the audience with a standing ovation.

His Holiness spoke for one and half hours on the topic and then took questions from the puiblic. Among the audience, not only there were people from all walks of life in Argentina, but also from Chile and Uruguay, who came all the way from these countries to attend His Holiness' events in Buenos Aires. Several disabled people on wheel chair as well as others who have hearing and speech problem also attended the talk. The host organisations have arranged a special sign language interpreter for those with hearing and speech problem.

His Holiness was deeply moved and encouraged by the amount of attention people paid to his talk. The event was also web cast and and watched by 6,554 people.
In the afternoon, His Holiness returned to the same Luna Park Stadium and gave Seven Point Mind Training composed by Geshe Chaykawa. The teaching was also attended by 6,500 people.

For almost an hour and half, His Holiness spoke about mind training in general and later went through the text of Seven Point Mind Training composed by Geshe Chekawa in 12th century and explained the meaning of each and every sentences.

Since the audience paid exceptional attention and shown great enthusiam to his teaching, His Holiness went beyond the stipulated time to take questions from the audience.

At the end of his teaching, Lama Rinchen, an Argentinean Buddhist who represented the host organisations, thanked His Holiness for visiting Argentina and sharing his valuable messages. She also informed the audience that surplus money from the organisation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit to Buenos Aires will be contributed to three Argentinean non-profit organisations involved with the social works- La Red Solidaria, Conin Foundation, and Los Piletones-and the Dalai Lama Trust based in New York.

As His Holiness departed from the Stadium, the audience gave him an emotional farewell by shouting ‘Long Live His Holiness the Dalai Lama' and many came outside of the stadium to wave at His Holiness' motorcade.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will fly tomorrow morning to Sao Paulo, where he has a programme tomorrow afternoon to address the industrial and business leaders of Brazil