Disturbing Emotions Disrupt Our Peace of Mind: His Holiness

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31august2011021Dharamshala: - The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama finished his second day of teaching at the main temple in McLeod Ganj, India today, August 31. His Holiness will conclude the teachings tomorrow morning. An international crowd of thousands listened while His Holiness continued teaching on "A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life."

In opening the teachings, His Holiness commented on the importance of developing morality. Tibetans who live in different parts of the world, His Holiness said, are losing their morality and traditional values. He spoke about how in countries that are materially developed, "people indulge in corruption and don't focus on moral ethics." Buddhists, he said, "must transform their mind."
"In Buddhism, we must work on ourselves and proceed along the path," His Holiness asserted.

He added, "regardless of whether you are a believer or not, moral ethics is very important," His Holiness emphasized how Buddhist scriptures incorporate a good deal of psychology. Bobbie, a woman from England who attended the teachings, agreed. "I'm really absorbed by it. I studied neuroscience in college, and his teachings really fits with psychology," she said.

In his teachings on the text, "A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life," His Holiness talked about how attachment and desire have their basis in the biological body. "Disturbing emotions disrupt our peace of mind," he said. "They can also disturb our health. Train your mind to have virtous thoughts," he advised. "If you are happy, the elements in your body will be in harmony," he said. "See reality objectively without fear and anxiety--this can happen if the mind is calm."

In talking about attaining the state of enlightenment, His Holiness laughed as he said, "If I had the time to practice meditation, I feel like I could attain this state. But I have an excuse, I don't have the time. Others, though, they can acheive this state."
Visitors from around the world attended the teachings. A group from Romania, who were granted an audience with His Holiness, were delighted to be in his presence.

"The Dalai Lama teachings are overwhelming, there is so much energy. We are trying to connect with the energy to make ourselves better," said Ioana, a member of the Romanian group. His Holiness, going over the alloted time, laughed as he finished his teachings, advising everyone, in English, to get a "good rest. Go, good sleep," he laughed.

His Holiness will conclude his teachings tomorrow morning, and he will begin the day with an initiation ceremony.