His Holiness The Dalai Lama to Teach in Europe

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8thaugust2011dalailama1001Dharamshala: - The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama left the north Indian town of Dharamshala yesterday, August 9, to embark on a European tour. His Holiness departed from the main temple amid thousands of spectators who had gathered there for new Tibetan political leader Dr. Lobsang Sangay's public felicitation ceremony.

His Holiness will start his trip in France, where he will give teachings on August 13 and 14 on Kamalashila's The Middling States of Meditation (Tib: gomrim barpa) at the Zenith de Toulouse.

Kamalashila, born in India in the 8th century, brought Buddhist teachings to Tibet, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama has called his Middling States of Meditation "a key that opens the door to all Buddhist texts."

His Holiness will speak on Kamalashila's teachings on meditation, compassion, special insight and enlightenment.

In Toulouse he will also give a public talk on August 15 on The Art of Happiness, also at the Zenith de Toulouse. Both events are organized by Chemins de Sagesse, and more information is available on their website.

The organizers say that "the Dalai Lama's visit to the Southwest of France will be an exceptional opportunity for students and practitioners of Buddhism--as well as for everyone receptive to His Holiness' message of peace--to increase their knowledge of Buddhism and to enrich their spiritual development."

After his time in France, His Holiness will travel to Tallinn, Estonia, where he will give a free public talk on August 17 on A Call for Universal Responsibility at Liberty Square. The event is organized by the Estonian Institute of Buddhism.

He will conclude his European tour in Helsinki, Finland on August 20, when he will speak on Geshe Langri Thangpa's Eight Verses of Training the Mind (Tib: lojonk tsik gyema) at the Barona Theater. He will also give a public talk on The Power of Compassion at the same location in the afternoon.

The Finnish Tibetan Cultural Association, who organized the event, says "we are happy to be able to welcome you all to share the wisdom of the words and comfort of the presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama." More information can be found on their website.

His Holiness will return to Dharamshala in late August to give three day teachings on Shantideva's A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Tib: chodjug) from August 30-September 1.