His Holiness the Dalai Lama Addresses Exiled Tibetan Youth

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03june201103L3Dharamshala- The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visited the Tibetan Children's Village today, addressing the audience of Tibetan schoolchildren with teachings on Buddhism, at the upper TCV School of McLeod Ganj - North India. His Holiness is addressing the Tibetan youth as part of a two piece speech on Buddhist values and beliefs, on June the 3rd and 4th of 2011.

The theme of the dual speeches is the ancient Buddhist transcript; ‘In Praise of Dependent Origin', by Je Tsongkhapa. It is hugely popular in Buddhist culture, and His Holiness - over two days - shall be explaining in depth the heavily laden meanings of the script to his Tibetan youth in exile.

The speech conducted today and tomorrow are unique, as they are aimed at the Tibetan Youth of Dharamshala, many of whom grew up in TCV Dharamshala, North India. The exiled Tibetan Youth adore and revere the Dalai Lama – who many would argue is a parental figure – not merely a spiritual leader. He answered questions from the eager audience, and at times joked and shared personal experiences with them.
The talk aimed at the Tibetan youth, warned against the impact of attachment to religion without proper understanding of it. The Dalai Lama warned that religion is closely related to human emotions.  He stated that people are often hungry for wealth and power, and that in the name of religion people can easily manipulate such feelings of attachment.

The congregation, which gathered in idyllic weather conditions under the gaze of the snowy Dhauladhar mountain range, also consisted of eager Tibetan members of the Dharamshala community, who leapt at the chance to see their spiritual leader. Curious tourists, who sheltered under the shade of large canopies to watch the crowded spectacle via a television transmission, also gathered to see the spectacle, and sat with the Tibetan Youth to join in the momentous occasion.

The Dalai Lama spoke the words from ‘In praise from Dependent Origin' - translated to English - to his captive audience:

"But having accepted dependent origination,

The precious treasure of your speech,

Then not tolerating the roar of your emptiness-

This I find amazing indeed".

Such words must truly have resonated with the Tibetan community in exile, who are facing a turbulent period in their exile - history of late. The treasure of their leaders speech is a wealth the Tibetan community truly adhere to.

The Buddhist leader will be giving introductory teachings on Buddhism to Tibetan high school and college students at Upper TCV (Tibetan Childrens' Village) in Dharamshala on June 3-4, 2011. There will be one session each day from approximately 9-11:30am Indian Standard Time (IST). His Holiness will be speaking in Tibetan.