Tibet Resolution Passed at IUSY World Congress

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2 may 2012 001Paraguay 22 April 2012: In a sign of the growing international attention support for Tibet's push for independence, the largest political youth organization in the world approved a Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) resolution condemning China's illegal occupation of Tibet.

The measure before the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), which also backed Tibet's independence, garnered an overwhelming majority votes inside the IUSY World Congress, the group's highest making decision-making body. All members of the congress reviewed the Tibet Resolution, which was made available in 3 languages.

The voting came after a detailed account of the current situation inside Tibet, delivered by TYC Joint Secretary Tenzin Norsang, who represented the group at the biennial international meeting held in Paraguay from April 20-22. In his address, Norsang outlined details of the Chinese Communist Party's oppressive policies and facts on self immolations inside Tibet.

"An equal world and change is possible only when we put the Tibet resolution into action," Norsang told the IUSY World Congress. Norsang also met with the President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, briefing him on the dire situation inside Tibet's borders. Lugo visited the meeting as chief guest for the opening day ceremony.

Beyond passage of the Tibetan Resolution, Norsang contributed to the drafting of the IUSY Global Political Manifesto. Participating in the global democracy and human rights subcommittee, Norsang raised issues on the abuses that arise through foreign occupation. His points on discrimination, cultural genocide, sterilization, education, one-child policy and the role of the UN in occupied countries, received long consideration after being absent from the manifesto's original draft.

The IUSY represents more than 100 countries and 150 member organizations. Composed of socialist, social democratic and labour political youth organizations from around the world, the IUSY has earned UN consultative status. TYC has worked with IUSY, a more than 100-year-old international social justice group, since the early 1990's.