EU To Raise Human Rights During The Upcoming EU-China Summit

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Speaker-with-DrBrussels: - European Union external officials expressed their deep concern on the current situation in Tibet and promised to continue raising EU's voice over Tibet's human rights issue with China.

Mr Penpa Tsering, the Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, who is currently on a 5-day visit to Brussels and Amsterdam, met with Dr Gerhard Sabathil, Director East Asia, Pacific and Australia, of EU's European External Action Service (EEAS) at latter's office in Brussels yesterday. The Speaker was accompanied by Representative Mr Ngodup Dorjee and Secretary, Bureau du Tibet, Brussels.

During his one-hour meeting with Dr Sabathil, Mr Penpa Tsering briefed him on the current human rights situation inside Tibet, particularly on the spate of self-immolations taking place in Tibet. He also apprised him about repercussions of the repressive and discriminatory Chinese government‘s policies on political, social, economic and environmental rights of the Tibetans in Tibet.

He urged the European External Action Service to continuously engage the Chinese government to end the crisis in Tibet, which he described is increasingly volatile and depressing.

Dr Sabathil welcomed the Speaker and expressed his happiness to see him in person. He said that EEAS is keeping track of the current situation inside Tibet and had raised the issue of human rights violations in Tibet with the Chinese government in the past.

He expressed his deep concern on the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet and promised that EEAS will continue to raise Tibet's human rights issues with China and particularly during the upcoming EU-China summit.

Mr Penpa Tsering presented to Dr Sabathil documents with updates on the current human rights situation in Tibet and thanked him for his support and considerations.