Indefinite Hunger Strike Continued at the EU Office in Delhi

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14_September_2012_001Dharamshala: - 13 September, 2012. On the 11th day of the Indefinite Hunger Strike, Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) and demonstrators marched towards the Delegation Office of the European Union in New Delhi to inform them about the dire situation in Tibet and appeal for support from the union.

Unlike the demonstration that took place at the UN Information Centre the day before, which was marked by the presence of young universities students, the 11th day campaign was peacefully carried out by TYC and Tibetan elders. To display the non-violent nature of the event, everyone who was involved carried a flower and wore traditional scarf. By doing so, the campaigners hoped to send the message to the European Union that they are peacefully requesting for the long due assistance with the worsening conditions in Tibet.

Earlier on April, 2011, the Indefinite Hunger Strike was promptly called off due to the EU's written promises to take action to improve the situation in Tibet. Up until today, not much has been done while the oppression in Tibet continued to escalate on a day to day basis. And thus, the hunger strike resumed once again from 3 September, 2012, but this time the strikers will not stop until concrete actions can be seen taken by the EU.

The march began at the Khan market and going forward to the EU Delegation Office. Upon reaching the office, an EU official emerged and escorted TYC President, Tsewang Rigzin and Joint-Secretrary, Tenzing Norsang into the building to meet EU representative, Mr. Ed Marshall. Subsequently, TYC representative had a long discussion with the EU official about the dilemmas in Tibet, as well as last year's pending pledge by the EU to address those problems. Mr. Marshall assured the members that the EU "have been supporting the Tibetan cause so far and will definitely continue doing so." In addition, he will forward the memorandums of Tibetan demands to EU President, Martin Suhulz for him to look over.

The TYC President emerged from the discussion to address the gatherings, including the media. He first thanked everyone who took part at the campaign, making it possible to hand over the memorandums to the EU officials. Furthermore, he updated the crowd about EU's willingness to assist the Tibetan cause and he hope that they will hold Chinese government accountable for their human rights violations. Mr. Tsewang Rigzin also mentioned that the event is not to protest the EU, but to appeal to them.

Many visited the hunger strikers, including current Member of Parliament of Tibetan government in Exile, Choekyong Wangchuk and Welfare Officer of Samyeling Tibetan settlement. One of the visitors, named Mr. Vijay Kranti, who has been a firm supporter of the Tibetan cause for the last 30 years expressed in his own words -" I stand by TYC and the brave hunger strikers in their struggle for the freedom of Tibet and people of Tibet. TYC observes my respect for being an honest and courageous organization who is the best representative of people of Tibet."

An estimated 500 North East students were at the event for their own human rights cause, but show just as much enthusiasm for the Tibetan cause. They gathered around the table, got in line to retrieved pamphlets, and signed their signature in the campaign book. It was a final encouraging sign of the evening.