2nd Preliminary Int'l Rangzen Conference to be Held in Taiwan

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TYC-2012-nov-_006Taipei: - Tenzin Norsang, Joint Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress, who is on a 10-day trip to Taiwan organizing the 2nd Preliminary International Rangzen Conference scheduled to be held in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, on the 10-11 November.

A press conference was held on 9 October, started with screening of a video clip to introduce the tragic self-immolation by many Tibetans. The conference was introduced by Cai Jixun, a Taiwanese Tibet supporter.

Norsang told reporters pointed out that The Chinese government is solely "responsible" for the continuing self-immolations by Tibetans in Tibet. In-order to prevent the actions of the self-immolation of Tibetans in Tibet, "independence is the only option" to solve the self-immolation crisis.

"The Chinese government has the responsibility to address the issues of injustice, as well as the international community," he further added.

The Chinese Communist regime labeled Tibetan self-immolations a form of terrorism, but, whether from a religious point of view or political point of view, this is selflessness sacrifice and non-violent protest. They are demanding human rights in Tibet, and resisting the illegal occupation," Norsand told reporters.

"Tibetans set themselves on fire to protest against the Chinese rule over Tibet, but they never hurt any Han Chinese and they do not want to harm other people too," asid Mr Tashi Tsering, the founder and former president of RTYC, Taiwan.

Tashi said that, his parents passed-away in India as exile life, they could not go back to Tibet. in-order to complete their wishes. "I joined the TYC, when I was 18-year-old, as TYC's goal is for the restoration of Tibet's independence," he further added.

Mr Lobsang, President of RTYC Taiwan said that TYC respects the Tibetan government-in-exile and opposes the communist regime's brutal colonial rule in Tibet. He said TYC's political stand or philosophy on Tibet issue, will continue as fully independent state. Since 2009 Since, there are 69 self-immolations, protesting against the Chinese occupation over Tibet. Taiwan is a free and democratic country now, we hope and pray that Taiwan will not become next Tibet. "

On November 8, 2012, Taiwan, he visited and met with two executive members; Dylan P.C. .Kup, Executive Secretary and Y-Chi-Yang, Campaign Coordinator of Amnesty international, Taiwan at their office. The meeting lasted almost 40 minutes where they informed me of their campaigns for Tibetan human rights situation and their efforts at generating awareness for the cause of Tibet. They assured that they would continue to do more in the future.

Norsang said, he thanked them for their relentless work and expressed my views and opinions on the situation inside Tibet and the wave of self-immolations since 2009.

A public talk titled, Tibet was held in the evening at 7:30 pm: a burning issue was attended by more than 80 Taiwanese, some Italians and few Tibetans most of whom were RTYC Taiwan members.

The talk, which was organised by RTYC Taiwan was targeted for the Taiwanese crowd. Lasting more than two and a half hours (interpretation time included) I introduced Tibetan Youth Congress as a movement and spoke about our aims and objectives and our activities and why TYC retains Independence as a goal and why we think Independence is possible.

Later Norsang spoke about the self-immolations inside Tibet that has gripped Tibet and paralysed China and what can be achieved through their sacrifices and what the International Community can do to help.

Some of the interesting questions they asked were; why Tibetans offer traditional Tibetan scarf to the self-immolators? What is the role of a Taiwanese in the Tibetan struggle? They wanted to know about HH the Panchen Rinpoche etc.

It was a very enthusiastic crowd and the feedback from the audience was very positive. Many of them commended TYC for its stand for Independence and its non-violent approaches.

A candlelight vigil was held by Tibetans and Taiwanese supporters at the Freedom Square in Taipei on Friday evening to show their strong solidarities to the Tibetan martyrs, who have self-immolated for Tibet and its people.