His Holiness Schedules in Brief for the Next few Weeks

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20july20101Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness Dalai Lama scheduled to visit Kargil area from July 18 to 20 is postponed. His visit is rescheduled between July 20-22, but the topic of his sermon is yet to be decided and there is no visit to Leh or Zanskar planned for 2010. He would also inaugurate a newly-built Buddha statute. Kargil is a Buddhist-dominated area. The brief details of His Holiness schedule for the next few weeks.

July, 2010. His Holiness Dalai Lama will visit Nubra Valley to sermon at Samstanling Monastery in Sumur. He will also bestow the oral transmission of "The Diamond Sutra" (dorje chotpa) at Yarma Gonbo Monastery in Nubra Valley. Dalai Lama is later expected to lead the blessing ceremony Rabney of the new Maitreya Statue at Disket Monastery in Nubra Valley. This will be followed by visit to Disket Phodran, where he will deliver sermon on Geshe Langri Thangpa's the Eight Verses of Training the Mind (lojong tsik gyema) and Tsongkhapa's The Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum).

August, 2010. His Holiness will visit Jaspa in Himachal Pradesh, to give teachings on Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron). On the following day he would present the (Heruka (dechok) followed by talk on the Avalokiteshvera (chenresig). A half day visit to Manali will include a sermon on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's 37 Practices of a Boddhisattva (laklen sodunma). A the end of the month, Dalai Lama will visit Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, on the request of a group of Koreans, whire he will give two-day teachings on The Diamond Sutra (dorjee chotpa).

September, 2010. In the month of September His Holiness will visit Kochi, Cochin, Kerala, where he will address the 33rd World Congress of the International Association for the Religious Freedom held at the Catholic Renewal Centre, Ernakulam in Kochi. The later week will be followed by visit to Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, on request of a group of Southeast Asian. His Holiness will deliver three days teaching on the Heart Sutra (Sherab Nyingpo) and Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's 37 Practics of Bodhisattva (gyalsey Laken Sodunma). In mid of September He will be in Kargil, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, where he will sermon at an event organized by the Kargil Community. Dalai Lama will be in Budapest, Hungary for two days starting September the 18th and His Holiness Dalai Lama will sermon on An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism and on the 19th he will present a public sermon on Compassion, The Art of Happiness and Avalokiteshvera.