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Dharamshala: Despite wide-spread world media coverage of China's arrests and sentences over writing the reality of Tibet by many Tibetan writers and intellectuals, China claimed that it has held the first symposium on minority ethnic literature on Nov 20. "Tibetan youth writers were widely praised and well recognized by the attending scholars and minority literature critics," reported the so called 'China Tibet Online' November 21.

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Dharamshala: It's a fact that, today, the developed nations are far more advanced technologically and economically than in previous centuries, and their citizens lead a "better life". But it does not mean that Human Rights are better protected in this new century. An honest examination shows that the Chinese economy determines or buys the value of ‘Western’ Human Rights and democracy, particularly when it comes to the most vulnerable aspects of our world.

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Dharamshala: At a press conference in Dharamshala on Saturday, Ven Yeshi Phuntsok, the president of the Ngari Chithun Association, announced its candidates in the upcoming elections for the next Tibetan Prime Minister and the members of the 15th Tibetan Parliament.

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Taipei: The Presidential Office yesterday dismissed comments by Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who said the Chinese Nationalist (KMT) administration appeared to be "aimless.

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Dharamshala: Today, June 26, marks the 13th anniversary of the United Nations designated International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Attaching importance to this anniversary, the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) commemorates the day to stand in solidarity with the victims of torture throughout the world.

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On the 49th day of tragic earthquake in Kyegudo, it is important to remember the systematic assimilative strategy of the Chinese government to remove Tibet from the global map as clearly illustrated in their attempts since the earthquake to present Kyegudo as belonging to "West China." The fault lines between the images of monks in red robes digging with their bare hands and PLA soldiers with red flags atop their machines was hard to ignore.

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Paris: Reporters Without Borders Thursday condemns two new serious cases of detention and use of violence against Tibetan journalists and writers in the past few days.

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