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Dharamshala: In remembrance of the demonstration in Lhasa on September 27th 1987, yesterday GuChuSum, the organization of Tibetan ex-political prisoners based in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, held its annual commemoration ceremony.

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Dharamshala: Tibet campaigners call Global Day of Action for Dhondup Wangchen today, on September 23, to express their outrage upon learning details of the probable charges facing the Tibetan film-maker. Dhondup Wangchen was formally arrested in July 2008 under suspicion of “inciting separatism” and espionage for filming interviews with ordinary Tibetans about their views on the Olympic Games, the Dalai Lama and Chinese government policies in Tibet. 

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Dharamshala: Proceeding sessions of the 14th Tibetan parliament-in-exile have been postponed indefinitely as of this afternoon. The reason for this was a staged walkout by some members after a proposal made by a fellow MP. This decreased the number of members in attendance to less than two-thirds (28 members) of the entire parliament which, according to the Tibetan charter, did not allow the parliament to continue with the session.

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Dharamshala- On Sunday exiled Tibetans carried both Tibetan and US flags as they lined up to welcome a US official delegation led by Valerie Jarret, a senior official from US President Barack Obama's administration, met Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The delegation also held talks with the Prime Minister of the Tibetan government in exile and visited various Tibetan institutions, including the Tibetan Children Village (TCV) school in Dharamshala.

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Dharamshala: Since its inception on September 10, 1984, the Tibetan Women's Association (TWA) has been actively establishing itself at the forefront of political, social, religious, and educational progress for Tibetan women-in-exile, and empowering Tibetan women by emphasizing the importance of their roles as shapers and nurturers of Tibetan society. Gaining momentum throughout its twenty-five year history, TWA currently has 49 chapters in four continents, with a total of approximately 15,000 members.

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Dharamshala: The eighth session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile opened here in Dharamshala Yesterday , where the Central Tibetan administration has been based for the past 50 years. This morning the parliamentary members have continued presentation of annual work reports by the ministers of the Central Tibetan Administration's various departments and also a work report of the standing committee of twelve parliamentary members.

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Dharamshala: An international seminar on Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, organized by Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA), began today and was attended by around 50 scholars from various parts of the world. Professor Samdhong Rinpoche inaugurated the conference by lighting a traditional Tibetan butter lamp. The organizer stated that the aim of the conference is to recognize and develop "the common relations of fifty years in exile, keeping in mind the increasing ties between international scholars and the field of Tibetan studies."

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