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Dharamsala-The Prime Minister of the Tibetan Governent in Exile today addressed the international community, appealing for the Chinese government to "stop the ongoing siege at Kirti Monastery". PM Samdhong Rinpoche's speech merged with a mass prayer ceremony this morning, led by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in Dharamsala, North India.

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Dharamshala: - A coalition of five Tibetan NGO's has issued a press statement demanding China to provide evidence on the whereabouts of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima. The NGO's state that they will begin collecting signature petitions calling Chinese authorities to disclose information on the Panchen Lama's existence. The statement came on the Panchen Lama's 22nd birthday, April 25, as one of many protests among exiled Tibetans on the situation of the missing Panchen Lama.

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Dharamshala, April 24: In the aftermath of the deepening crackdown in Kirti Monastery and the ensuing arrest of hundreds of monks, the Tibetan Women's Association and Gu Chu Sum Movement of Tibet organized a mass protest rally in Dharamsala Sunday to condemn the ongoing crackdown in Tibet.

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St. Paul, Minnesota: - Friday, April 22nd, for the 3rd time, Rinpo Lama has elected to employ the traditional Tibetan form of pilgrimage: prostration, unfamiliar to most Minnesotans but well-known to all Tibetans in the hope of awakening the people of his adopted state to the cause of Tibet and the cause of rescuing the Panchen Lama. His first two were in 2008 and 2009.

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Dharamshala: - The Central Tibetan Administration today organised a grand long life prayer ceremony, beseeching His Holiness the Dalai Lama to live long and pledging to work with greater dedication and sincerity to fulfill his visions.

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Dharamshala: - The exiled Tibetan Charter Drafting committee, today released 'draft preamble and related article, as the committee has been asked to submit its report to the Parliamentary Secretariat by 11 April 2011. A five member "Constitutional Amendment Drafting Committee" was formed to represent both Kashag (Cabinet) and the Parliament in exile last month as per a resolution passed unanimously on the last day of the 14th Tibetan parliament's regular session.

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Kathmandu: -'The Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of Kathmandu' have staged a hunger strike this week to raise awareness for those suffering in Kirti Monastery; Tibet. Angered by the violence of the Chinese officials towards the monks of Kirti, in Ngaba region of Tibet, the members of TYC in Kathmandu rallied for the 24 hour hunger strike on April 18th.

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