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Dharamsala: The struggle for democracy in Hong Kong claimed a small, yet potent victory when - despite a low voter turn out at 17.1 percent - all 5 pro-democracy lawmakers won re-election on Sunday in the by-elections of the Legislative Council.

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Dharamshala: In November, 2009, the Chinese government executed 4 Tibetans, two men, one woman and a fourth unidentified person, for allegedly "starting fatal fires" during the uprising in March 2008.With the world mulling over a moratorium on the death penalty, the Chinese government continues to exercise the dread verdict with little or no restraint.

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Dharamshala; The first stage of the NDPT's 2011 campaign for its Prime Minister (Kalon Tripa) and Parliamentary candidates was today concluded with "success and to our satisfaction," the party posted on its official blog.

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Dharamshala: The 20th century has been marked by unprecedented levels of violence and bloodshed committed in the course of religious and cultural persecution, ethnic conflict, totalitarianism, war, and genocide. Among the worst acts of violence include the Soviet pogroms against Ukrainian Kulaks, Nazi Germany's systematic destruction of Jews and Gypsies, and the Khmer Rouge's eradication of alleged opponents of socialism in Cambodia. More recently, by virtue of media images, we have witnessed ethnic cleansing in the Balkans and the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda. The legacy of genocide remains in these countries, although the systematic slaughter of civilians has since ended. However, the same cannot be said regarding the genocide of the Tibetan people under Chinese occupation.

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Dharamshala: A poll lasting over one year has revealed today that Dr. Lobsang Sangay is the most popular candidate for the next prime minster (Kalon Tripa) of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

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Dharamshala: The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamshala was presented today with the most recent book in Russian on Tibet. The book is entitled 'Hidden Tibet: History of Independence and Occupation', and traces the history and development of Tibetan culture and religion from ancient times to the present day. Authored by Dr. Segius L. Kuzmin, Senior Scholar of Russian Academy of Sciences, the book was released on the March 10 2010, the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day.

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Dharamshala: Ven. Bagdro, author of "A Hell on Earth, a Biography of a Tibetan Political Prisoner," inaugurated his new book, "Life in Exile", at a press conference in Dharamsala, the home of the Tibetan Government In Exile.

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