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London: It was a unique moment in history, rarely does Hu Jintao ever step into the Western media's spotlight, away from the safety of Chinese media that avoids politically sensitive topics and censors anything anti-Chinese. Even when visiting other countries he controls the media agenda, cancelling a press conference during his recent visit to France. However, his political and economic clout weren't enough to avoid the US media during his visit to Washington this month and expectations of what they were going to ask the Chinese leader were feverish in the build up to the press conference, as he had no censorship curtain to hide behind. However, many felt let down and cheated by what was or wasn't said, I am not one of those.

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Dharamshala: News is spreading in China that a great victory has been won over America, following the performance of "My Motherland" by Sino-American pianist Lang Lang during President Hu's State Dinner last week.

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Wyoming, USA: My roommate set the alarm clock, it rang in the early morning, he silenced it, and then, he went back to sleep. However, it woke me up completely even though I am not an early morning person. I never understood the meaning of "early to bed, early to rise". Maybe this saying was valid back in the time when nothing could be done in the evening. Now, with the overwhelming influence and extraordinary growth of technology, we are glued to this small screen 24/7 where anyone can take a peek at the world by just laying down on their cozy couch. The note I am sharing now is the result of this technology.

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Dharamshala: Around the world all eyes are on the US-China Human Rights talks, as Obama fails to be the champion of democracy and Human Rights. Unlike the previous meeting, Obama hosted Hu, a dictator with high profile with highest hospitality, unlike when he let the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Tibet's spiritual and political leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama out a service entrance. 

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Dharamshala: Below is the English transcript of an internet question and answer session His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader held live from his residence in Dharamsala with China-based civil rights activist Teng Biao and human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong. This interactive session was arranged by noted Chinese writer Wang Lixong on 4 January 2011.

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Dharamshala: Gelek was a monk from the eastern part of Tibet, and was pursuing a life of contemplation in Sera monastery near the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, before an irreversible brush with the Chinese state on March 2008. On March 10th, as anti-Chinese sentiment was brewing across the plateau in the run up to the Beijing Olympics, thirteen monks marched through Lhasa demanding human rights and freedom of expression and religion. All were arrested.

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Dharamshala: Rewind to march 2008; when the Chinese security forces came out in full force, and crushed the uprising in Tibetan capital of Lhasa and quelled all public sentiment on the Tibetan plateau, and here at home the Indian response to this crackdown was dispiriting to say the least, In parliament the seasoned politician and then foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee could only express distress at the plight of the hapless Tibetans.

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