An Analysis on New Nominations of Tibetan Cabinet Ministers
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Montreal, Canada: - Now that the new Kalons [Ministers] have been nominated and sworn in, I am sure that many of the exile Tibetans are intensely discussing and questioning why he/she should or shouldn't get selected. Just like in any playoff game, the coaches, players and spectators always deliberate after the game - this is absolutely normal. If your curiosity seeks more explanations, then here is my take behind Kalon Tripa's nominations. Just to recap quickly the names of our six new Kalons: 1. Dhonchung Ngodup, 2. Pema Chhinjor, 3. Dolma Gyari, 4. Tsering Dhondup, 5. Dicki Chhoyang, and 6. Dr Tsering Wangchuk.