“Real politik” for Tibet (Epoch of forbearance)

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londen-TPI-profileDharamshala: - The history of Tibet, broiled in tumultuous times of usurpation, coup after coup. The glory of Ubuntu, with Utopian principles would have never been called, if we didn't came into refuge in India. The Shangri-La was never there in past, but seeing a Tibetan everywhere in corner of the land, it will provide some shadow of what Shangri-La means to us, as being born a refugee, Shangri-La to me is not a land, where lamas walks with their feet inch above ground but Tibetan-shepherds sauntering freely in wild pastures, singing their folklore's.

On 18th April 1959,Soon after His Holiness 14th Dalai lama arrival at Tezpur, India, he declared the 17-point agreement was signed in duress, would be considered null and void. Since from that day, he had strived for the restoration of Tibet's independence. Tibet became open to the world, and it's Diaspora become a global geo-political discourse among the intellectuals and observers alike. One may, find good base of foreign supporters towards the Tibet and the displaced Tibetan people around the world, but to point out a one core reason over their sympathy to the cause is very divergent, as are the views of the contending claims by the PRC and Tibetan counter parts. More than 50 years of struggle, issue has been equally debated and written about it, but it all turn out to be a "waiting game". To which His Holiness, marks his words "I believe that we must focus talks with China on the future. We each have our own interpretations of history. We should not force our interpretations on others. We should leave history to historians, not to the politicians.''

Now with the advent of ramifications, of the aftermath of His holiness 14th Dalai Lama, Renunciation of the temporal political authority to Sikyong and emergence of the new leadership at Communist Party of china, thus marks a new political imbroglio. Particularly in 1979, Den Xiaoping proposal "except independence, all other issues can be resolved through negotiations" until then, the central Tibetan administration and the Tibetan adopted a policy of seeking independence for Tibet. A official resolution is adopted unanimously by the 4th session of the 12th Assembly of Tibetan people's deputies on 18th September 1997, "Whatever decisions His Holiness the Dalai lama takes, from time to time by using his wisdom, will be regarded by all the Tibetan people as no different from having the force of a decision made through referendum."

A series of negotiations and discussions held with PRC counterparts, four fact finding delegation from the exile Tibetan government left for Tibet in between 1979 to 2008. March 2007, at a house of foreign affairs committee hearing, Mr. Gyari focused on the status of the dialogue stating that "the difference in view points are numerous" but that "each now have a clearer grasp of one another's divergent perspectives." he further went on to a point saying that "our dialogue reached the stage where if there is a political will on the both sides, we have an opportunity to finally resolve this issue." May 2008, then Chinese president and party Secretary Hu Jintao went on to a point saying that "our attitude towards contacts and consultation with the dalai lama is serious."

One would wonder, what could be the solution for the Tibet is. One would wonder what went wrong and who would be the one to restore the freedom in Tibet. Death of Mao would entail liberation for the Tibet, but what happened was not even in his hand too. why has the Dalai lama ignored for 50 years, what about united nations among the numerous resolution being passed but yet most governments do not bother to raise the issue of Tibet at the UN, since 1972, when the PRC took over the seat the UN.

We don't want to be optimist, we want to be realist. And thus what we need is not hope but 'real politik'. History is witness to the failure of look west policy, more than 50 yrs of struggle is answer to that. Because in the end of the day it doesn't matter's how many Tibet sympathizers we have, because they are too small to make any difference in once country's foreign policy, what matter's to us are support from the movers and the shakers of this world and unity of our Tibetan people. As his holiness says solution lies in the problem. Problem came from China, thus answer should come from them. Now, is the time to look east.

Bottom line, yes non-action is not logical conclusion to any problem, but actions which serve no good for us, we don't want it. what we need is not the archaic principles but need of hour is to formulate ''real Politik'', resumption of peaceful negotiations talks, and as i said PRC looks no different at CTA or any TSG's, to them they are all elements of Dalai clique. Thus it is imperative for us each and everyone to stay united and work in sync with one goal towards resumption of negotiations with Chinese counterparts.

Londen Phuntsok is a poet, blogger, a bohemian & Author of book "The Gossamer of Love" which is a collections of poems and free verses. A third generation Tibetan living in India. Apart from writing & reading literary fictions & poems, loves hiking, travelling, cycling, taking pictures of tawny sunset, swimming. He believes in stronger footing of younger generation to lead the Tibetan diaspora.