Is China wittingly replacing temples in Tibet with propaganda centers?

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Ngaba-Tibet-Uprising-2008-Crime-against-humanityDharamshala— China's tough new policy of abusing Tibetan people is sowing doubts and confusion in Tibet, where the authorities are trying to replace Buddhist temples and monasteries in Tibet with propaganda centers for the ruling Communist Party. China has dispatched government agents into every village in Tibet as part of an unprecedented surveillance and 'political re-education' programme or 'patriotic re-education'. An army of 21,000 officials scattered into small teams and set up in each of 5,541 villages in central Tibet alone, with agents in some cases moving into the homes of Tibetans.

In Mao era, especially during his deadly cultural revolution, all religious activity was banned, any opinion of religion was considered blasphemy. These days, criticising the party qualifies as blasphemy. China is strongly anti-Western and it believes that there is a global conspiracy against the country. The authorities then recently attempted to root out supporters of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and indoctrinated villagers with the virtues of the communist party and the Chinese state. They are the same people who once bowed before portraits of former dictator Mao and Communist leaders now pay homage to the Tibetan monasteries and their icons by merging the church into state. It seems that the Chinese authorities are the ones most actively and deliberately working to deepen divisions in society.

An article recently written in a fortnightly party magazine "Qiushi" Chen Quanguo, Beijing appointed Tibet's Communist Party boss, says Buddhist temples and monasteries in Tibet must become propaganda centers for the ruling Communist Party, where Buddhist monks must be seen by Beijing government as "friends." That's a bit of a tricky sell, given China's 66-year history of repression in Tibet, after destroying more than 6000 monasteries and temples and killing over 1.2 million out of total 6 Tibetans, including thousands of monks and nuns who were protesting against the unregenerate authoritarian state. The Tibetan people deserve no less. They are denied it. This is their freedom struggle. It is not built on hate, ideology, nationalism, religious bigotry, or even nostalgia for the past. It stems from the pursuit of justice and fairness, and for everything that is decent in this world.

Tibet was historically an expansionary power itself, for centuries rivaling China for control of Central Asia. After Mao's communists gained control of China in 1949, Beijing sent a large People's Liberation Army contingent into Tibet, but its authority was not fully cemented until it quashed the Tibetan uprising of 1959 — causing His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to flee into exile in India, followed within a year by about 80,000 Tibetans. The world must equally react against those who appear to be most responsible for crimes against humanity and take action to end violence against Tibetan people. It is significant that Chinese government has a serious human rights issue to the international stage. This is an opportune time for the Tibetans and Tibet support groups across the globe to speak up for human rights and further press China. Human rights is a universal value and politics should not stand in the way of upholding these fundamental rights.

Some nations have the calamity to vanish in a matter of months or years, overrun by the machinery of war; others die slowly, the victims of a million cuts of oppression. Tibet is one such nation to endure the latter fate. Its culture, religion and identity are being slowly and ruthlessly deleted by China. It is also tragic that the liberal world resisted against the unregenerate totalitarian and authoritarian states as well as the global spread of Soviet communism. However, not only is the Free world presently keeping a disgraceful silence on Chinese regimes' grave human rights violations in Tibet—including torture, arbitrary arrest and detention, house arrest, detention without public trial, repression of religious freedom, and arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement, but it is also in fact supporting His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Middle-way measures by taking no action.

But, the Chinese authoritarian regime has blatantly demolished all these achievements and values over the past six decades and seeks to prove that bullying and violence are the only ways to survive in the international scene and that legal, moral, political and human means have no application in the world. The Beijing regime, through such an attitude, is in fact confirming that its international identity is illegitimate because legitimate and legal establishments have no need for violence and bullying for their survival. Illegal and illegitimate regimes need bullying, terrorism and violence for their survival.

The supportive silence in the face of the Chinese cultural genocide in Tibet is support for the revival of repressive policies of Mao's approaches in the world and an approval of the law of jungle in international relations. It also means that any illegal and illegitimate move can be justified through bullying and violence. The shameful role of the civilised countries and especially permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – is most regrettable when it comes to the issue of Tibet. They have shown no appropriate reaction and carried out no practical measure to defend international norms for crimes against humanity committed in Tibet.

The establishment and spread of international hatred of a regime which can be can be presented to the world as the most important threat to global peace and civilisation is the other side of the Tibet coin. China is offering a real image of itself which is associated with unforgettable fury and hatred of this regime. Opponents of the Chinese regime are increasing day by day, including Tibet, eastern Turkestan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Freedom- and peace-seeking people, believers, opponents of war, terror, violence, dictatorship and political cruelty as well as advocates of international law and international order have come to the understanding that the China regime is a serious threat to global peace and that its survival will not be reconcilable with the survival of peace, security and particularly international order. It is surprising that Western experts did not remind politicians of such realities and instead allow their security to be put up for sale as the Westerners are keeping silent and taking no action against the Chinese regime's cultural genocide in Tibet.

The world today expects that the China regime's repressive policies against the defenseless people in Tibet will stop, the region's blockade and sanctions will be lifted, especially in the capital Lhasa and all those who played a hand in the ongoing crimes against humanity be put on trail and punished, like Spanish National Court. Unfortunately the country has failed in marking a historical event. It also expects that an independent fact finding mission be sent to the region and the case of China's genocide be examined at the UN Security Council and also referred to the international justice court.

If such measures are carried out, hopes for peace and freedom will equally rise for the existence of a minimum level of international order. What we are currently witnessing is anarchy promoted by the Chinese which is a kind of regeneration of Mao's bloody "Cultural revolution," amounted to an attempt to wipe out the entire Tibetan culture and its religion, Tibetan Buddhism. However, for Tibetans the daily life situation is worse. In the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Tibetans cannot express freely and they can not travel from one town or region to another without permission. A Tibetan from any county and region wanting to visit relatives in Lhasa must apply to authorities for permission to do so – and this is happening in their own country where they used to assemble peacefully and associate freely! Freedom of movement is a fundamental human right, and it is just one of the freedoms curtailed in the central Tibet.

Everywhere you travel, there are permits to check, passports to show, and places that are off-limits for no apparent reason. The most sacred sites in Tibet like Mt. Kailash and Lhamo Latsho Lake with their prognostic abilities were most of times out of bounds for tourists and pilgrims over the Buddhist holidays. Why? What possible threat to national security could a lake or a mountain pose? Control was everything. The authorities will closely watch you as you make your way through the Potala Palace or Jokhang Temple alongside throngs of hundreds of Chinese everyday. China's objective behind this obvious cultural genocide is completely clear.

As a racist, cruel and dictatorial regime, China responds to any resistance against its policies with an iron fist and sees no limitation or obstacles in the world for implementing this policy.
The historical irony is that the regime and its policies are a reminder of former Chinese dictator, Mao Zedong, who is widely regarded as the most prolific mass murderer in human history— has a great reputation of being the harshest forms of aggressive ideal-based oppression and violations during the brutal, deadly cultural revolution or Communist Holocaust that killed nearly one million in Tibet and 65 million in China.

Almost all freedom have been prevented in most parts of Tibet, lines of army trucks appeared on the streets, each filled with soldiers, facing to the outside of the truck, machine gun in hand, just hunting for a peaceful man to begin a peaceful protest. Sixty-six years have passed since the Chinese regime invaded the independent state in 1949. More than 1.2 million Tibetans were killed by the Chinese between 1949 and 1979, including 173,221 Tibetans who died after being tortured in prison, 156,758 executed, 432,705 killed fighting Chinese soldiers, 342,970 starved to death, and 92,731 publicly tortured to death, whilst a further 9,002 Tibetans committed suicide, the region has turned into the focal point of the Tibetans' resistance against the relentless Chinese acts of aggressions and continuous occupation.

The Tibetan people are victims of this repressive system. They are not regarded as a distinct people with sensitivities and needs, but as beneficiaries of the Motherland who must comply with the will of the Party. Anything other than that is unpatriotic at the least and treachery at the worst. Today, Regardless of the figures, the overall impact of the influx is tragic as devastating because the Chinese not only control the political and military power in Tibet, but also the economic life and even cultural and religious life of the people.

China's 1992 policy of population transfer into Tibet not only forcefully reduces the Tibetans to a minority in their own country, which in turn disenfranchises them from the future political process. The mass immigration by millions of Chinese settlers into occupied territories of central Tibet U'Tsang, Tibet threatens the very existence of Tibetan culture, religion and national identity- particularly the other two traditional provinces, Amdo and Kham, which were renamed by the Chinese in 1949 as parts of China- Qinghai and parts of Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan provinces.

Our brothers and sister in the three provinces of Tibet– targeted for destruction by Chinese government – forced by crackdowns and Patriotic re-education campaigns to flee as refugees, or to hide in caves or bush, facing government-orchestrated "political repression, economic marginalisation, social discrimination, environmental destruction and cultural assimilation."

Abraham Lincoln once said that: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Therefore, looking back at our proud history, China never has enough and is afraid that it never will. We denounce the evil policy that destroys our lives and wages crime against humanity and freedom, and we denounce the apathy and passivity that allow it to perpetuate. We commit to intentional, sustained prayer, waging freedom struggle against this evil. We will speak out on behalf of those whose voices have been silenced or sidetracked. And we will take action on their behalf through organizations providing direct contacts, and in our support groups, communities, and government.

The people of Tibet call international community to stand together as their human rights, freedom and religious liberties are threatened and as many face persecution across the globe. The world must also stand together to support our brothers and sisters in Tibet where they face physical threats and extermination. We must grieve for the persecution of our fellow Tibetans, and especially of victims of torture for political and religious beliefs and their families who are threatened with cultural cleansing and genocide in the past six decades.

This is our hope. The reaction to the Chinese repressive policy to end Tibet crisis, as it is extremely confusing, highly motivated, and frequently tightening, thus frustrating. It is very hard to believe because it is involved with the crime against humanity that is what we hope that the international community, specially free world will assist us and our cause when China raises issues around issues of Tibet, is nothing different than the Western world willingly and wittingly committing itself to the democratic principles. We just seek the restoration of our basic human rights, a return of political power, and the enjoyment of basic freedoms that have been denied.