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The Tibetan activist Dechen Penpa gave a photo presentation at Lhakpa Tsering Memory Hall of the Department of Information and International Relations, Tibetan government in exile in Dharamsala, India, on November 6, describing her experiences as a student and teacher in China.

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Dharamsala: The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) today began broadcasting a government cable channel, with the support of Bhagsu local cable operator P.C. Bhagat. During a launching ceremony held at the CTA's Department of Information and International Relations, Tibetan Prime Minister Prof Samdong Rinpoche and Information Minister Kesang Yangkyi Takla spoke about how the new channel, "Tibet TV", will serve the local community.

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Berkeley, CA, USA: San Francisco Bay Area Tibetans gathered Saturday night, 24 October, for a candlelight vigil, after receiving the tragic report from the Tibetan Center for Human Rights in India that the Chinese government had executed four Tibetan activists on 20 October. The men were convicted for their alleged involvement in the March 2008 uprising in Lhasa, in a move activists are decrying as a violation of international human rights law.

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Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama this morning led prayers for the four Tibetans executed by the Chinese government, for their alleged role in arson and killing during the uprising in Tibet's capital, Lhasa, in March 2008.

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Dharamsala, India: Today, Monday 26 October, the Norbulingka Institute presented the most comprehensive biography to date of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in a public ceremony at the Institute. His Holiness the Dalai Lama; His Eminence the Karmapa, head of the Kyagyul sect; His Eminence Menri Trizin 33rd Lungtuk Tenpai Nyima, head of the indigenous Bon religion; the Tibetan Prime Minister Samdong Rinpoche, the Deputy Speaker Dolma Gyari, representatives from local NGOs, and many other Tibetans and foreigners attended this morning's celebration.

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Dharamshala: Exiled Tibetans, local Indians and foreign visitors held a candlelight vigil in Dharamsala, India, last night, in response to the Chinese government's execution of four Tibetan prisoners near Lhasa, Tibetan capital on Tuesday.

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Dharamsala, India: On 21 October, His Holiness the Dalai Lama started off the second day of his teaching on the Four Noble Truths with a two-hour question-and-answer session.

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