Taiwan Friends of Tibet Campaign to Educate Chinese Tourists

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06march20103Taipei: The organization Taiwan Friends of Tibet has launched a two-day campaign to educate Chinese tourists about the Tibet situation.

The action started today in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, with the raising of two banners, reading "Let the Dalai Lama go home!" and "Stop cultural genocide in Tibet!"

Campaigners also handed out leaflets in front of Taipei 101, Taiwan's tallest building, containing information to counter Chinese propaganda about the history of and current situation in Tibet.

Most of the tourists who were approached refused to accept the leaflets, and some reacted with hostility.

Ms Meilli Chow, Chairperson of Friends of Tibet, said, "We understand that the Chinese people, under the Chinese Communist Party, have faced a long-term system of censorship, mis-education and biased reporting.

"We do not expect Chinese tourists to accept our leaflets initially," she continued, "but want them to witness freedom and democracy in action in Taiwan, where different points of view can be aired in public. Some culture shock is a good place to start!"

Report edited by Mattew, The Tibet Post International