Dharamshala, India — “By sending the letters to honorable members of the Indian Parliament, it becomes evident that China is intimidated by the growing support for the Tibet movement around the world. The leaders of free countries have all their rights and responsibilities to support the just cause of Tibet and we vehemently condemn this move by China,” said a press release issued by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the letter sent by the Chinese Embassy to Indian parliamentarians.

Dharamshala, India — Tibetans in Dharamshala held a candlelight vigil to condemn China's repressive policies in Tibet and to show solidarity with the critical situation in Draggo county, Kham, eastern Tibet. They held placards reading "Tibetans want freedom from Xi Jinping's bloody rule," "Communists end destruction now" and "End China's occupation of Tibet."

Dharamshala, India — “Walking the Himalayas is my travel plan to journey through the Indian Himalayas to create more awareness about the 70 years of Chinese occupation of Tibet and its impact on Indian Himalayas, and also the growing Chinese security threats on India,” said Tenzin Tsundue, while addressing a press conference organised by the Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association in Dharamshala.

Dharamshala, India — Sikyong of Central Tibetan Administration and Speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile expressed appreciation for the appointment of the U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, expressing hope that the new Special Coordinator will work to restore dialogue between Tibet and China and hold China accountable for human rights violations in Tibet.

Dharamshala, India — “The Chinese government’s policy in Tibet are harmful rather than beneficial to both Tibet and China, and therefore it is bound to fail. We will soon submit a document to the Chinese government to end or rectify its wrong policies in Tibet,” said Sikyong, while marking Human Rights Day, on December 10, 2021.

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