Dharamshala, India — “What is happening in Tibet alone is sufficient to justify a boycott of Beijing 2022. From the recent sentencing of Tibetan intellectuals and activists like Go Sherab Gyatso, to the destruction of a giant Buddha statue in Drakgo, Tibet, the Chinese government is hellbent on eradicating Tibetan culture and identity,” said Rinzin Choedon, national director of SFT-India.

Leh, India —Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (RTYC) Leh and Regional Tibetan Women Association (RTWA) Leh urged all Tibetans to observe a black day on February 4, 2022, the start day of the Beijing Olympics, to protest against the CCP's human rights violations in Tibet, East Turkestan, and Hong Kong.

Toronto — Tibetans and representatives of five Tibetan non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Toronto, Canada held a peaceful candlelight vigil to protest the Chinese communist government's crackdown in Tibet and to express solidarity with the plight of Draggo County, eastern Tibet, where sacred Buddha statue and 45 prayer wheels have been destroyed by China recently.

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