Tibetan ex-political prisoner, Bagdro appeals Dutch Int'l Court

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3july20093Dharamshala: An appeal launched by a Tibetan ex-political prisoner, Ven. Bagdro, following deadly crackdowns on Tibetans in all parts of Tibet. The appeal was sent to 'International Court of Justice' in Dutch on 16 June. He said, "I write to you filled with a feeling of hope for which I 'm very happy this letter is a very good opportunity for me my name is Bagdro and I'm a Tibetan Buddhist monk and former political prisoner now I live in Dharamshala in India."

Tibetans in exile are facing a great of difficulties, because of Chinese invasion. "we Tibetan refugees are living outside Tibet because of the illegal occupation of Tibet by China."

"China does not respect the international laws and international justice  because they have invaded Tibet. The Chinese have occupied Tibet since 1949 and they do a very violent and harsh repression 6,000 Tibetan monasteries are destroyed and more than 1.3 million Tibetan people are already Killed.

The Chinese leaders continue their criminal rule in Tibet, their Tibetan cultural genocide and their criminal activities against humanity.

These rules create very much suffering for Tibetan people The Tibetans started to protest in 1987 and protested in 1988 and in 1989 too these 3 demonstrations were peaceful but the Chinese used violence against the peaceful participants of the protests The Chinese President Hu Jintao used very violent military force as well as the former president Jiang Zemin and the former prime Minister Li peng.

These criminal dictators make the Tibetan people suffer so much. H.H. the Dalai Lama did his very best for a dialogue with China in a peaceful way but the Chinese remain against the Tibetan people so there is still no solution.

The Chinese continue the genocide upon Tibetan people and since 10th march 2008 there were very much peaceful demonstrations everywhere in Tibet. Although these were peaceful demonstrations the Chinese president Hu Jintao and the Chinese governor in Lhasa Zhang Qingli used military forces and tanks against the Tibetan people. On 14th March 2008 Zhang Qingli and General Hu gave a speech to the Chinese army in which they said they couldn't train the army for a long time so that this was a very good opportunity for the Chinese army to fight and kill the Tibetans as a military training. The Chinese army used Tibetan monks clothes and killed Tibetan and even Chinese people. In this way they make the Tibetan culture a very bad name. This is the reason that more than 200 Tibetans were killed last year. 6000 Tibetans are still imprisoned and more than 1000 are still missing. So this made much bloodshed in Tibet, which is such a spiritual country. In the prisons people are tortured very badly, they are abused physically and mentally and women are raped. This situation today is similar to the Nazi time and what Hitler did.

The Chinese government also continue the destruction of the environment. They produce nuclear weapons and do nuclear tests on the Tibetan plateau. Nowadays Tibet is a military base, it has become a prison for the Tibetans. The situation in Tibet is a hell for the Tibetan people.

For this reason I went to the Spanish court on 19th May 2008 to speak about justice for the 6 million Tibetans. For more than 50 years the Tibetan people are still suffering because of the role of the dictator Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and Zhang Qingli.

I was surprised that dictator Slobodan Milosevic was taken in the International Court under pressure of the U.S.A, the United Nations and the NATO in 1999. On the other hand Saddam Huessein of Iraq was hanged in December 2006. This is the reason I have much respect for the International Court and Justice in general. Therefore I take this opportunity to demand to do the same with Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and Zhang Qingli in the International Court."