Chinese Scholar Disapproves Regime's Repressive Policies on Tibet

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Dr_Chen_Hongxin-19th-november-2011Dharamshala: - Expressing her support and solidarity with the people of Tibet, a prominent Chinese research scholar living in Sydney has strongly criticised the Chinese government's repressive policies on Tibet for the last six decades.

In an article, Dr Chen Hongxin, a research scholar of Chinese contemporary politics, described the recent self-immolations by Tibetans since March as a way of protest against the Chinese government's wrong policy on Tibetans and their religious belief.

"At least six Tibetans have died as a result of self-immolation, and they have called for religious freedom, the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom in Tibet," noted the article, parts of which were translated into Tibetan by an Australia-based Tibetan named Lhadhey Namloyag.

Dr Chen also wrote about critical questions that people might raised why "happy and prosperous Tibetans" are ending their lives through self-immolations. Why the Tibetan monks who respect life and practice Buddhism for millenia by renouncing ill-feelings, are now burning themselves to death one after the another?

"The answers underlying these questions lies in the truth of past 60 years which will bring tears in the eyes of the international community. In fact, through successive generations, the Tibetans have not only etched their history, but also exposed the Chinese government's propaganda through peaceful protests," she wrote.

The article contained criticism of China's draconian measures towards the Tibetan monastic community. "Despite reconstruction of Tibetan monasteries in 1980s, the authorities imposed restrictions on the admission of Tibetans into monasteries, made "patriotic education", which involves denouncing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a compulsory subject for monks to study. In their White Papers, the Chinese government has claimed of various freedom and happy life enjoyed by the Tibetan people."

"But in reality, in the so-called "happy life in Tibet", there was a long period of repression and unlawful measures of imprisonment of Tibetans," the article noted.

Dr Chen further wrote about her impression of Mr Xi Jinping's visit to Lhasa this year. "During his visit to Lhasa, the future Chinese president, Xi Jinping, not only did not meet Tibetans, but did not even visit a monastery. On the contrary, he met with officials from the police, army, political and judicial authorities. This act has exposed the Chinese government's intention of brutal and repressive policy on Tibet," she wrote.

"Since they rose against the force and oppression of the communist Chinese government in 1950s, the Tibetan people have persistently kept their struggle for their distinct land and faith, and to keep alive their thousands-year-old culture and identity. The Tibetans will continuously keep alive their struggle through many generations to come," the article noted.

"As 2011 is nearing its end, the sacrifices made by the Tibetans this year will be etched in Tibet's remarkable history," Dr Chen wrote.