Tibetan Youth Congress refutes China’s White Paper on Tibet

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Tibet-TYC-Tenzing-Jigme-2015Dharamshala — In response to the White Paper released by the State Council Information office of China on April 15, Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) the largest pro independence organization in exile states that this White Paper, is full of 'White lies' and the allegations made by Chinese government against TYC are baseless and dishonest.

"Instead of trying to genuinely resolve the issue of Tibet, the Beijing Government has once again resorted to making blatant false attacks against His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the TYC," the TYC said in a statement issued on April 24.

As the Tibetan movement gains momentum and support from people all over the world, there is a growing desperation within the communist camp in China, the TYC said, adding that "Chinese propaganda attempts and disingenuous portrayal of Tibet ? historic or the present situation inside Tibet as well as China, have failed to convince the world community at large."

The youth group said that 'Chinese charm offensive use of soft power as a strategy in international politics has failed miserably as the world continues to remain distrustful of the Beijing Government.'

"What has worked for China to date is its use of economic and military influence. On the contrary the growing popularity and global recognition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama coupled with the international support and sympathy for the Tibetan movement has only grown and intensified," it added.

"Additionally, the spirit of the Tibetan people and the work of TYC have remained steadfast, which causes China grave anxiety and paranoia,' it said.

"It appears the Chinese government and their leaders are scrambling to justify their illegal occupation of Tibet", says TYC President Tenzing Jigme. "Since its inception in 1970, TYC has been very successful in exposing the truth about China's wrong policies, mobilizing and organizing the Tibetan freedom movement in exile - that is the reason why Beijing every now and then resorts to accusing TYC of being a terrorist organization and making false baseless accusations against the organization," states Jigme.

The White Paper states; For years, the TYC not only schemed and incited ill-informed people to engage in violence, but also actively trained armed and reserve forces. They set up military training bases in Dharamshala, India, and established the "Tibetan Freedom Fighters Association" to carry out armed sabotage and sent people to contact international terrorist organizations to seek mutual support. TYC has had a hand in many incidents of violence and terror in Tibet and other places in China.

Responding to allegations of terrorism involvement, the group said they "have consistently maintained that our organization and movement are based on the principles of non-violence. These kinds of accusations hold no grounds. We demand the Beijing government either stops making false charges or provide concrete evidence of such charges."

"China's illegal occupation of Tibet and their current hardline and oppressive policies are also the sole reasons for the unrest inside Tibet as epitomized by the Self Immolations," he added, saying "Since 2009, 139 Tibetans have self-immolated inside Tibet. If China is really sincere about solving the issue of Tibet, they must make an honest evaluation of their current policies and stop making baseless attacks on His Holiness the Dalai Lama and TYC."

Jigme said "TYC is an independent and democratic organization whose activities and policies have no interference from outside."

"China continued attempts at misleading the world with the release of White Papers containing serious distortion of facts will not only cause Tibetans to endure their resistance and further intensify the struggle but also lead to further abomination of China by international community," the group said in its concluding statement.