Expanding the "Severe Punishments" in Tibet is a China's style

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Dharamshala: - Chen Quanguo, the so called Chinese party chief in Tibet, recently described a 'new measure' that would make a big difference to Tibet and its people. In reality, the measure will only expand crime and severe punishment in Tibet.

He claimed: "the anti-separatism campaign should be strengthened and will severely punish those officials who are more concerned with their personal welfare, or those who still want to follow the Dalai Lama group or support separatism." His logic was clear: preserve what the totalitarians in Beijing call 'stability' and 'harmony' to maintain state power.

In response, Tibetan minster, Dicki Chhoyang, said: "Repression incites resistance, and such actions will further hamper any chance of long term stability (sought by China within the region). Clearly this latest warning to Tibetan officials who revere His Holiness the Dalai Lama demonstrates that all is not well in Tibet after all."

It is clearly evident that the international community was misinformed by the Chinese authorities' false claims about the 'Lhasa Consensus,' which accuses His Holiness the Dalai Lama of presenting a 'distorted and incorrect' picture of Tibet, and claims Tibetans are happy and enjoy religious freedom, and that Western media is biased in its reports about Tibet.

Many expressed their disappointment after China repeatedly claimed that 100 foreign attendees had signed and agreed to the document at the 2014 Forum on Development in Tibet, which took place in Lhasa on August 12-13.

Sir Bob Parker later disassociated himself from the Lhasa Consensus. Asked whether he was aware of its content, he responded: "Not at all. I'm aware that the statement was made but I certainly haven't signed up to it. I think a number of people who were there were a little surprised to hear about that statement. Certainly the conference that I've been attending has been focused on sustainable development, and there were no real political themes running through it at all." Irish parliamentarian, Pat Breen, is reported to have refused to sign the document.

If after six decades of occupation, China's claim that Tibetans enjoy freedom and equality are true, then there should be freedom for the Tibetan people in the form of the protection and preservation of their culture, religion and national identity. However the so-called 'socialist paradise' is inhumane and littered with 'empty promises.'

The Chinese authorities in Tibet spelled the true nature of their behavior, including their mistrust and suspicion of those Tibetan leaders serving the regime and the Party. However, many Tibetans believe that the authorities immediately politicise any issue, connecting them to 'stability' or 'Separatism' when there is an endemic issue of corruption or fear that tugging on one thread of their authority with a nasty habit of disregarding the law.

In an effort to crack down even harder on Tibetan writers, artists, intellectuals, and cultural advocates who criticised the Chinese government's failed policies, from 2008, Tibetans are sentenced to death or life imprisonment for sharing news about Tibetan protests, including self-immolations with Tibetans abroad.

The government and Party initiated unprecedented measures to further strengthen control over the Tibetan religion and monastic institutions and transform them into entities prioritising loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and patriotism toward China, whilst seeking to bring to an end His Holiness the Dalai Lama's influence on Tibetan people in Tibet.

In 1949 China's new leader, Mao Zedong, widely regarded as the most prolific mass murderer in human history, decided to invade Tibet, with the help of Russian leader, Joseph Stalin.

At that time Tibet, intentionally isolated from the rest of the world, had just a small peaceful army. China maintains its claim that Tibet was historically a part of its territory, yet pre-invasion Tibet had its own government, political system, distinct culture, language, religious traditions, and currency. The Tibetan government issued its own passports to travelers entering its borders and Tibetans traveling abroad.

The Tibetan delegation was forced to sign a '17-Point Agreement' containing threats of personal harm and a full-scale takeover of Tibet by the Chinese military. When the delegation hesitated to comply with the demands of the Agreement, they were warned: "It is up to you to choose whether Tibet will be liberated peacefully or by force. It is only a matter of sending a telegram to the People's Liberation Army group to recommence their march into Tibet." The promises within the Agreement were soon broken as the Chinese strengthened their control over the country with an increasingly large military presence.

In the 64 years since the occupation of Tibet, the Chinese have attempted to 'sinocise' the Tibetans in an effort to more easily exert control over the Tibetan Plateau, which contains an abundance of natural resources and vast acreage to accommodate China's growing population. Such policies, however, have proved disastrously counterproductive, contributing to the destruction of Tibetan identity, widespread self-immolations, and growing instability across the Plateau.

Since 1950, the Chinese government has imposed severe punishments on Tibetans convicted of crimes intended to dismember the State. Tibet's national flag and images of His Holiness the Dalai Lama are prohibited. Tibetans can be punished simply for having nationalistic songs and images on their phones and laptops.

According to an April, 2013, US State Department report, China has implemented severe repression of Tibet's unique religious, cultural and linguistic heritage by, among other means, strictly curtailing the civil rights of Tibetan people. Other 'serious human rights abuses' outlined in the report included extrajudicial killings, torture and arbitrary arrests. Media, international human rights NGOs and UN human rights institutions are banned from Tibet. International think tank, Freedom House, has given Tibet a 'worst-of-the-worst' freedom rating of 7.0, while the chair of the US Senate's foreign relations committee has described it as: "one of the most repressed and closed societies in the world." More than 132 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in protest against Chinese rule since 2009.

Ordered by the Chinese central government in 2012, authorities in Qinghai Province have cancelled aid to victims' relatives and suspended all development projects in villages and towns where self-immolations have occurred. In November 2012, nine Tibetans set themselves on fire in the province. All who paid tribute, even with small messages of condolence, to the young people who committed suicide, will be punished. There will also be severe penalties for party officials considered 'too soft' with activists.

On November 9, about 5,000 children and teachers from schools in Rongwo city organised a peaceful demonstration denouncing the apathy of the authorities and media towards the increase in self-immolations. The day before in Dowa, students lowered the Chinese flag from their institutions and government offices, in protest.

On November 14, authorities in Malho Prefecture and local CCP officials issued a five-point directive to punish those linked to cases self-immolations. Measures include the cancellation of all forms of support for the relatives of self-immolators for three years, and of development projects and public investments in villages in which self-immolations have occurred. The Directive also orders authorities to investigate officials who have shown solidarity with self-immolators, by attending a funeral, making a visit or sending a message of condolence. CCP members have an obligation to report the possible involvement of peers or superiors, whilst local police are instructed to launch an immediate investigation into all those involved in demonstrations, public ceremonies or joint prayer services in memory of those who committed suicide. Agents are authorised to conduct interrogations and stop any suspects. All local governments are required to publish the new regulations and enforce them. Those who do not abide by the rules will be arrested and prosecuted.

To increase the Directive's effectiveness, Beijing announced the news on all local media, accusing His Holiness the Dalai Lama of encouraging young people to set themselves on fire, in order to destabilise Tibetan-majority areas. In reality, the Tibetan leader has consistently criticised this form of protest, advising young people not to waste their lives with these extreme gestures.

Since 1950, an estimated 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese. Tibetan Administration records show that between 1949 and 1979, 173,221 Tibetans died after being tortured in prison, 156,758 were executed, 432,705 were killed fighting Chinese soldiers, 342,970 starved to death, and 92,731 were publicly tortured to death, whilst a further 9,002 Tibetans committed suicide.

Since then many thousands more have died as a direct result of persecution, imprisonment, torture and beatings. China has ratified a number of UN conventions, including those relating to torture and racial discrimination, and yet has repeatedly violated these in Tibet.

More than 200 Tibetans were killed or disappeared during peaceful protests in all parts of Tibet in 2008.

None of the Chinese dictators have kept their promises. What has happened to Tibet over the last six decades is no less than a great crime against humanity, and is much worse than what happened in Nanking. The Communist regime in China is a crime itself.

The recent claims made by the CCP chief in Tibet once again prove the false nature of the so-called Lhasa Consensus and reflect China's totalitarian nature and ignorance of Human Rights, peace, freedom and democracy. The question now is: "Do you still think Tibetans are happy in Tibet and enjoying a socialist paradise?"