Science Must find Means To Bring Compassion, Love and Conviction: His Holiness

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Scientific Studies
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17december20093In the Indian city of Lucknow today, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama told the annual conference of the Neurological Society of India that science must find a ways and means to cultivate compassion, love and conviction, which are very important for a healthy body, mind, family and community.  

"Modern education is only digging with brain and not doing much with the mind. Some efforts should be made to promote moral ethics. Way must be found to bring compassion and love," His Holiness said while addressing the conference at the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences.

"Motivation plays a crucial role to bring happy life, global humanity, sense of passion," he explained, adding that it is wrong to seek peace from machines.

His Holiness continued, "If I go out and shout that I want to buy peace of mind, people will laugh. If I ask you (doctors) to give peace of mind through surgery, it will sound silly.”

The Tibetan spiritual leader said that destructive emotions like fear and hatred are counter forces to love, compassion, trust and forgiveness.

His Holiness pointed out that, ''Lord Buddha was himself a scientist in the way he taught about the way of bringing the mind under control for leading a healthy life. Mind is formless and beyond matter, yet it controls everything.”

"Of late, there has been a positive sign in science. Earlier, spirituality was not involved in science, but now it has began to feel and realise that the state of mind is very crucial," he continued, adding that some scientists have discovered that destructive emotions debilitate the immune system.

The 74 year-old Nobel laureate told his scientific audience that there are lot of things in the inner space, or the mind, which have yet to be explored. "There are mysterious things in the skull," His Holiness said.

Concerning meditation, the exiled Tibetan leader stated that, "Scientists in the US carried out an experiment on super meditation and they found big a difference. After the experiment, they found that minds of participants became calmer and sharper."

His Holiness told his fellow Indian inhabitants that he always considered himself to be a messenger of India in the world, saying that, "Tibet considers India to be its guru, (Teacher) but the chela (follower) relation with its guru is less."

He also pointed out that today, the message of ahimsa, or nonviolence, and religious harmony which are the roots of Indian culture, and which were promoted by great activists such as Mahatma Gandhi, is being spread worldwide.

"Spiritual leaders should come out and meet people, and be realistic as India's rich traditions are relevant to the modern world,"  His Holiness concluded.
