Tibetans and others vigorously protest China's 75 years of oppression in Tibet

Over 50 Tibetan activists detained at Mandir Marg Police station by police and they have been released on October 1, 2024. (Photo: TYC)

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New Delhi — Tibetan activists, Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Mongolian, Chinese and Taiwanese from Tibet, Taiwan, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, and China have strongly protested against the Chinese government (PRC) on its 75th National Day on October 1, 2024. They said, "For 75 years, the CCP has built its legacy on oppression, colonization, and violation of fundamental human rights, especially in Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong.

As China celebrates its 75th National Day on October 1, 2024, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Mongolians, pro-democracy Chinese and Taiwanese in the free countries, vigorously protested against the PRC's illegal occupation of Tibet and the repression, enforced disappearance, inhumane treatment, arrest, imprisonment and even murder of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Mongolians and Chinese over the past 75 years.

Tibetan activists, Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Mongolians, Chinese and Taiwanese held protests in Tokyo (Japan), Vienna (Austria), London (UK), Paris (France), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Taipei (Taiwan), New Delhi (India), Toronto (Canada) and New York (USA) on October 1, 2024, to take action against the CCP as it celebrates 75 years of oppression and genocide in Tibet and East Turkestan.

Tibetan activists include those from Students for a Free Tibet, the Tibetan Youth Congress, the Tibetan Women's Association, Dhokham Chushigangdruk and Tibetan associations in free countries.

Tibetan Youth Congress staged protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, against the 75th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China, on October 1, 2024. The TYC strongly condemns China's celebration as a celebration of violence, lies and oppression against the Tibetan people. During the protest, over 50 Tibetan activists detained at Mandir Marg Police station by police and they have been released evening of the same day.

Students for a Free Tibet-Delhi organised a photo action and awareness on Tibet issues and human rights situation in Tibet, at Vishwavidyalaya Metro Station, New Delhi, on October 1, 2024, to condemn 75th anniversary of China’s oppression in Tibet.

Students for a Free Tibet released a statement to condemn 75th anniversary of China’s oppression in Tibet, on October 1, 2024. The statement stated, “As China marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1st, the world must not forget that these celebrations come at the expense of millions who have suffered under the Chinese Communist Party's rule.”

“For 75 years, the CCP has built its legacy on oppression, colonization, and violation of fundamental human rights, especially in Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, and beyond Today, as China parades its achievements, we stand united to expose its decades of repression and call for justice,” Tibetan activists said.

SFT explained, “China's policy of Sinicization has resulted in a relentless assault on Tibetan national identity, particularly its language, religion, and culture. By forcibly detaching Tibetan children from their families and heritage and placing them in state-run boarding schools, Chinese authorities employ one of the most abhorrent tools of colonization to undermine Tibetan identity.”

The Tibetan activists said, “Disturbingly, it has come to light that Xi Jinping has initiated a campaign to erase Tibetan names from cities, towns, and regions, and the Usage of “Xizang” instead of TIBET, Recently, Two French museum Musee du Quai Branly and Musee Guimet removed all mention of Tibet from their exhibition of Tibetan Arts and historical artifacts replacing it with Chinese term “Xizang” Accommodating the CCP"s intent of expunging these identities from global awareness and usage.”

“For 75 years, the PRC has tried to erase the truth. Since its founding, China has systematically suppressed Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hongkongers, and others, stripping away their cultural, political, and economic rights. Under the guise of modernisation, China has carried out mass repression-setting up concentration camps in East Turkestan, dismantling democracy in Hong Kong, and enforcing colonial boarding schools and mass DNA collection in Tibet,” they said.

The Tibetan activists declared, “China's expansionist projects are not limited to its repressive political agenda. Tibet's lands have been plundered for resource control and development projects, threatening its fragile ecosystem and the very existence of its people. The construction of dams, mining, and other extractive industries serve to strengthen China's grip on Tibet while displacing communities and devastating the environment. Earlier this year, more than 1,000 Tibetans were arrested in the Dege region for protesting against the Gangtuo Dam, a project that threatens sacred monasteries and displaces thousands. Tibetans' demands for basic human rights and environmental protection are met with arrests, torture, and violence.”

"This isn't just about Tibet's land; it's about Tibet's survival. Tibetans are fighting to protect their land and culture from complete annihilation. China's so-called development projects are part of a wider colonial agenda,” said Tenzin Namgyal, Grassroots Coordinator, Students for a Free Tibet-India.

"Every year on October Ist, the PRC whitewashes these atrocities. With cultural performances and military parades, China attempts to rewrite history, spinning 75 years of oppression as a story of peace and prosperity. But we know the truth. Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Hongkongers are not free, and the PRC's violent control extends far beyond its borders,” said Tenzin Passang, National Director, Students for a Free Tibet-India.

"We are calling for an international moratorium on mega-development in Tibet until Tibetans can freely give or withhold their consent. As China celebrates its legacy of oppression, we demand freedom for Tibetans, for Uyghurs, for Hongkongers— and for political prisoners like A-Nya Sengdra, a Tibetan climate activist unjustly imprisoned for standing up to China's corruption and environmental destruction,” said Sonam Tsewang, President, Students for a Free Tibet -Delhi.