Dharamshala, India — “We are sending a message directly to Beijing that, they do not have democracy in China and Tibetans in Tibet do not enjoy freedom, but under the great leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we, the Tibetans in exile have been given the gift of democracy, today is a proud day for Tibetans”, said Dr Sangay on final voting day.

Dharamshala, India — On the occasion of the 62 Anniversary of the Tibetan Women's National Uprising Day, on March 12, 2021, Tibetan Women's Association urged the United Nations, the parliamentarians, the world leaders to pressure China to improve the Human Rights situation in Tibet and release all political prisoners in Tibet.

Dharamshala, India — 'In the early hours of the 20th March, mortars, and gunfire rained down on the Tibetan people, and in the following days, thousands were massacred by China, who had positioned itself as a “liberator” since invading Tibet in 1949 was, in fact, the colonizing oppressor,' President Dr Lobsang Sangay said in a statement on Wednesday, commemorating the 62nd Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day.

Guwahati, India — "Time has come for the human race to stand up for the Tibet so that the humanity can be safeguarded", said Dr Lobsang Sangay, the president of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), based in Dharamshala of northern India.

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