India will take a stand of not irking china on Tibet: Tushar Gandhi

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Tibet-India-China-Mumbai-2016Mumbai — Friends of Tibet and Freedom First organized a Panel Discussion in memory of S.V. Raju, a great supporter of the Tibetan Cause, on "Rethinking India's Foreign Policy Since Independence" on Thursday, May 19, 2016. om Mumbai.

The Panelists were Tushar Gandhi, Great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Karma Yeshi, member of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile and Vijay Crishna, Director, Godrej. The panel discussion was moderated by Mudit Jain, Managing Director, DCW Limited.

In a Conversation with TPI Tushar Gandhi spoke about India's outlook as a nation to the Tibet Issue, "I think India will take a stand of not irking the Chinese establishment at this point as we see in the case of visa cancellation of Dolkun Isa. Even if there is a negotiation between the CTA and Chinese with reference to autonomy or the middle way approach that will not matter much to India.

We have seen in the past that India has not pushed in the international sphere for Tibetan autonomy or addressed its problems in detail. Similar, behavior by most if not all of the world powers is leaving the Tibetan issue in Limbo. Further, most countries are beholden to China for its economic support or market base.

His Holiness is one of the most eminent and respected person worldwide and it can be seen in the way he is received and treated with absolute respect and devotion wherever he goes. He also happens to have a huge support base all across the world but due to various reasons this has not been channeled into the Tibetan cause.

India on one hand hosts the Tibetan exiles, but does not pursue their cause. It gives them the freedom and choice to propagate and practice their culture, religion and traditions but nothing more as in the international sphere it takes a definite back-foot when it sees China getting irked." he said.

The Discussion was based on the different facets of India's foreign policies since independence with reference to Tibet.

Foreign Policy and Affairs of a country is closely integrated with fundamental security and developmental priorities based on its relationship with other countries.

In theory, one of the primary functions of a country's Foreign Policy is to safe-guard its national and regional interests.

By cancelling visa to Dolkun Isa, leader of World Uighur Congress and Chinese pro-democracy activists from Hong Kong and Tienanmen Square Movements who were invited guests for a conference organised by Initiatives for China, India has once again accepted the definition of 'terrorism' by China, one of the most brutal regimes in the

The host country has also surrendered its national interest and dignity while appeasing some of the neighboring countries.

In the wake of recent incidents, diplomatic blunders and U-turns, it is necessary for members of the civil society to reflect upon the question of the "Effectiveness of Indian Foreign Policy and its long-term implications on its relationship with hostile and friendly nations."

In a talk with TPI Karma Yeshi mentioned that, " The Importance of Geopolitical strategy and environmental issues can only be answered when Tibet gets success through the middle way approach. It will act as a buffer state between two countries and will be strategically very important and the tensions on the Indo-China border will go on till Tibet is recognised.

Secondly, is the issue of culture, not Tibetan culture alone, but all of the Himalayan and Indian cultures imbibed into Tibetan Buddhism since time immemorial. If we see its an issue of world heritage.

Thirdly, is the environmental issue, of dams, mining, nuclear waste dumping and deforestation. Even Chinese scientists accept its a very fragile area as about 10 major rivers have their origins there. Destruction of the environment in Tibet will be felt the world over as it is very important to the Asian peninsula.

Finally, Tibetan struggle is still alive after more than 60 years. even inside Tibet the younger generations also look up-to the people in exile and dream that one day they will no longer be oppressed and treated like second grade citizens. Its high time that the people across the world realise what we are striving for and support our cause."