CTA celebrated 75th Republic Day of India and expressed its gratitude to India

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) celebrated the 75th Republic Day of India, on January 26, 2024 in Gangkyi, Dharamshala, HP, India. (Photo: TPI)

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Dharamshala – Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) celebrated the 75th Republic Day of India, on January 26, 2024 in Gangkyi, Dharamshala, HP, India. Tharlam Dolma, officiating Sikyong, congratulated India on the celebration of the 75th Republic Day and also expressed gratitude to the government and people of India for hosting Tibetans in India.

The celebration began with the hoisting of the Indian flag by Tharlam Dolma, acting Sikyong of the CTA, and continued with the playing of the Indian national anthem. Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel and Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Justice Commissioner Tenzin Lungtok, Kalon (Minister) Norzin Dolma, secretaries and senior officials of the CTA attended the celebration.

Kalon Tharlam Dolma then addressed the media and greeted the Indian government and people on behalf of the Tibetan people and Central Tibetan Administration, on the occasion of the celebration of the 75th Republic Day of India. The acting Sikyong said, "India is a living example of how a democratic system is thriving smoothly, and that is a lesson to the rest of countries, that they should emulate as we (Tibetan) have done, soon after coming to India, His Holiness the Dalai Lama adopted a democratic form of government that had never existed in the history of Tibet. We have followed the footsteps of India. Republic Day is not only a commemoration of India's constitutional journey, but also a testament to the resilience, diversity and commitment of India's democratic ideals."

She also said that, the government of India and its people have been very kind to the Tibetans in exile, and it is important for the Tibetans to be grateful.

When journalists asked about her hopes for the celebration of Republic Day of Tibet in Tibet, she said: "Tibet was an independent country and the truth will prevail. We really hope that one day, when the truth prevails and Tibet becomes independent, we will go back and unite with the Tibetans inside Tibet, celebrate Republic Day of Tibet in Tibet and remember the Republic Day celebrations in India".

She added: "Tibetans inside Tibet are suffering, they have no freedom of expression, no freedom of religion, and they are waiting for something to be done or for help to be given by different countries to support the truth of Tibet. Tibet has never been part of China. If you look at history, Tibet was a very strong country in the seventh century, we even defeated China and Mongolia, but we never had a war with India, because for us, India is the land of Buddha".

When asked for her opinion on the recent report of over 20 countries raised China's human rights violations in Tibet at the China's 4th Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, she replied: "We really appreciate the support of countries and we hope that more people will come to support Tibet. The issue of Tibet is not just a Tibetan issue, like the war in Ukraine, the issue of Tibet is a global issue, the problem of each country becomes the problem of the world, so we hope that more and more nations will come to support Tibet, if Tibet becomes independent, there will be peace and there will be no border problems (India and China).”