Main responsibility is to raise awareness of real situation in Tibet in the world arena: Securing Tibet's future

Sikyong of CTA officially launched a "Vision Paper on Securing Tibet's Future" on April 10, 2023, in Dharamshala. Photo:TPI

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Dharamshala – The 16th Kashag of the Central Tibetan Administration launched the "Vision Paper - Securing Tibet's Future" on Monday, which states, "To have a vision for Tibet’s future, it is critical to understand the harsh oppression and suffering faced by Tibetans inside Tibet and work towards fulfilling their aspirations. Therefore, it is one of our prime responsibilities to create awareness on the international platform based on the real situation inside Tibet."

Sikyong Penpa Tsering officially launched a "Vision Paper on Securing Tibet's Future" on April 10, 2023, in Sikyong Hall, T-buiding, Central Tibet Administration (CTA), Gangkyi, Dharamshala, HP, India, in the presence of Dolma Gyari, Minister of the Security Department, Norzin Dolma, Minister of the Department of Information and International Relations of CTA, delegates of major funding organizations such as USAID, Tibet Fund and NDI, secretaries of various departments and staff, representatives of organisations, etc.

The Sikyong said, "This Kashag is fully committed to following the vision and wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in finding a non-violent, mutually beneficial, negotiated, and lasting solution to the Sino-Tibet conflict through the Middle-Way Policy. This, I believe, will contribute to a more peaceful world beyond China and the Tibetan people. Unfortunately, the lack of political will and commitment from the leadership of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) led to the stalling of the dialogue that took place between 2002-2010."

"The geo-political, geo-strategic, and environmental significance of Tibet cannot be discounted as a mere irritant when raised with the PRC at bilateral or multilateral deliberations. This concerns not only Tibet and the Tibetan people, but also has serious implications for the people, food, economic, and water security of all the countries around the Tibetan plateau and beyond. International collaborative work with environmental experts must be initiated to avert irreversible damage to the fragile environment of Tibet and its consequences," he added.

Sikyong said, while describing the real situation of Tibetans and the danger of elimination of Tibetan identity by the Chinese government in Tibet, "Tibet continues to be under a very strict Orwellian grid management surveillance that makes it extremely difficult for Tibetans to do anything. The consequences of one’s actions could be linked to the security of their near and dear ones. If we are not able to counter President Xi Jinping’s current policy of one nation, one language, one culture, and one religion, it will lead to the extermination of the Tibetan identity from the face of this earth. We are dying a slow death."

Securing Tibet's Future stated, "Two fundamental missions of the CTA are inextricably linked: mobilising Tibetans and our allies to reopen the Sino-Tibetan dialogue to seek genuine autonomy for the Tibetan people and to develop a sustainable Tibetan community in exile. Both missions ensure the survival of our identity and contribute to the furtherance of our cause."

"Our political priority is to find ways to re-engage with the PRC government and resolve the SinoTibet conflict based on the Middle-Way Policy for a mutually beneficial and lasting solution. The Middle-Way Policy offers a middle way between the historical status of Tibet as an independent state and the present status of Tibet under the illegal occupation of the PRC," the Visional Paper stated.

"Until we secure genuine autonomy for Tibet, ensuring the survival of our identity requires sustainable communities. However, today the compact communities in exile are getting more dispersed, which poses a challenge to their sustainability. And the number of students in Tibetan schools has halved in the last decade. To ensure the sustainability of the Tibetan communities and the preservation of our unique identity, we envisage repopulating the compact communities by providing homes to those from Tibet and others who don’t own homes by facilitating equitable economic and livelihood opportunities," Securing Tibet's future stated.

Vision Paper on Securing Tibet's Future included contents such as Why Tibet Matters?, Resolving the Sino-Tibet Conflict through Middle-Way Policy, Welfare of Tibetans in Exile, Enhancing CTA’s Administrative Efficiency and Capacity, etc.

CTA's appeal to the For Governments and Parliaments:

We remain firmly committed to non-violence and continue to pursue the Middle-Way Policy. This is the only way to resolve the Sino-Tibet conflict based on mutual benefit and negotiation. The recognition of Tibet as an independent nation, as proven by historians, is a prerequisite for according leverage and value to the Middle-Way Policy. Therefore, it is important to accept the fact that Tibet is currently an occupied nation. It is important for all stakeholders to recognise Tibetans not just as mere victims of the PRC but as partners in bringing about positive changes in China.

CTA's appeal to the for International Advocates :

We call on Tibetans and Tibet supporters to keep their hopes and faith unwavering while representing the Tibetans inside Tibet who are suffering repression and persecution. You must be able to present the reality of the situation inside Tibet with insight to the governments, parliaments, think tanks and media in your respective countries to bring about favourable policies for Tibet.