His Holiness the Dalai Lama thanks people around the world for birthday greetings

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. Photo: TPI/Yangchen Dolma

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Dharamshala — The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, thanked people from all over the world for their greetings on the occasion of his birthday on 6 July 2022 and for their strong recognition and acknowledgement of his lifelong contributions and commitments towards a more peaceful world.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your warm greetings on my 87th birthday. I deeply appreciate your good wishes and consider them to be a recognition of whatever little I have been able to contribute towards developing a more peaceful society," His Holiness wrote in a message published on his official website.

"Your words are a firm support for my efforts to be of service to others. Your hope and confidence in me strengthens my determination to contribute to the wellbeing of the more than seven billion human beings on this planet," said the 87-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

"My message, based on simple logical reasoning, is that compassion - caring for the wellbeing of others - is essential. Regardless of one’s beliefs, it is important to be compassionate in our everyday lives," the spiritual leader of Tibet added.

"During our childhood, our mothers raised us with affection, nurturing us with loving kindness. By living our lives compassionately, we will be happy and will positively affect our family and friends," the Tibetan leader further added.

"Through cultivating peace of mind within ourselves, I believe that there is a real opportunity for the world to become a more peaceful place," he explained why the peace of mind of each and every individual is the key in creating a more peaceful place.

"Today, I appeal to all my friends: whether you accept religion or not, kindly practice Compassion, that is, whenever possible please try to help others, irrespective of who they are,"he said in a bid of making the world a more compassionate world.

Concluding his message, His Holiness the Dalai Lama extended greetings to his fans around the world, saying: "That's all I want to say today. Tashi Delek!"