China uses the Olympics to whitewash its brutal crackdown: Tibetan activist

Students for a Free Tibet protest to mark one year countdown to the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics in Dharamshala, HP, India. Photo: TPI

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Dharamshala, India — ‘We call on the international government and community to stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong, Tibet and join us in calling for action and protest to hold China accountable for all the atrocities, genocide and human rights violations under its occupation, as it uses the Olympics to boost its international reputation and cover-up its brutal crackdown,’ said Rinzin Choedon, national director of Students for a Free Tibet- India(SFT).

‘Today, October 27, 2021, marks the 100-day countdown to the genocide of the 2022 Beijing Olympics. The International Olympic Committee will host one of the most honored international games in China, a country known for its illegal occupation of Tibet, brutal repression of Hong Kong, genocide, and forced labor of the Uighurs,’ SFT team said.

“The International Olympic Committee repeated the mistake of awarding the 2022 Winter Olympics to Beijing, and hosting the Games in a country where genocide, ethnic cleansing, and occupation have taken place is key to legitimizing these crises,” said Rinzin Choedon, national director of Students for a Free Tibet- India(SFT).

‘We call on the international government(IOC) and community to stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong, East Turkestan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia, Taiwan, and Chinese democracy activists, and join us in calling for action and protest to hold China accountable for all the atrocities, genocide and human rights violations under its occupation,’ she added.

‘In light of the IOC's failure to act, governments, sponsors, athletes, and people of conscience everywhere have a responsibility to resist China's human rights atrocities by boycotting the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games. We specifically call on sponsors, namely Coca-Cola, Airbnb, Procter and Gamble, Intel, Visa, EF Education, and Mars, you have only 100 days left to get on the right side of history and boycott the Beijing 2022 Olympics. Companies need to fulfill their human rights commitments and stop profiting from a regime(China) that is using the Olympics to boost its international reputation and cover-up its brutal crackdown,’ said SFT.