Tibetan President congratulates BJP's massive victory in HP election

Exit polls predict BJP win in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh. Photo: News Nation

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BJP-Victory-HP-GR-India-2017Dharamshala, India — President Dr Lobsang Sangay on Monday congratulated Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its massive victory in the Himachal Pradesh state elections.

“On behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, I heartily congratulate BJP for clinching a massive victory in the recently concluded state assembly elections,” The President of the Central Tibetan Administration Dr Lobsang Sangay said in a statement, according to a post on the CTA's official website.

“The victory is another glorious chapter in the democratic tradition of this beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh.”

“The Tibetan people welcome BJP’s victory with fond memories and hopeful optimism. BJP at both the center and state have been very supportive of the Tibet issue and have always extended timely assistance for the welfare of the Tibetan people residing in the state.”

“Himachal Pradesh is very important for Tibetans because His Holiness the Dalai Lama lives in this lovely city of Dharamshala, and the Central Tibetan Administration is also based here for the last six decades. What happens in Dharamshala has a phenomenal impact on the entire Tibetan world. Moreover, the relationship between the people of Himachal Pradesh and the Tibetans has been peaceful and personal like one family. We are certain that the new BJP government will further strengthen this bond in the years to come.”

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing chief minister Shri Virbhadra Singh for his deep affection and kind support for the Tibetan people over the years through thick and thin.”

“I would like to particularly thank him for his government’s decision to implement the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy Act 2014 announced by the central government, which has greatly helped the livelihood and sustenance of the Tibetan settlements in the state in the long run.”