Tibetans and Tibet supporters in Zurich stage vigil for Liu Xiaobo

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Tibet-China-Swiss-Liu-Xiaobo-2017Zurich — A group of Tibetan activists and Tibet-supporters have staged a vigil in front of the Chinese consulate in Zurich, Switzerland to mourn the death of Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.

On July 13 2017, Liu Xiaobo died due to multiple organ failure at the age of 61 in a hospital in Shenyang, China while being held captive by the Chinese regime.

"This vigil should send a message to Beijing, that we do not and we cannot tolerate the suffering of countless other political prisoners in Chinese prisons," said Tashi Shitsetsang, a Tibetan who participate in this vigil.

The group has criticized China saying "It is unacceptable that a peaceful man and pacifist like Liu Xiaobo had to die because he was fighting for freedom in China, for what he believed was right."

"He is truly a human rights champion and has been for decades. Today we want to honor him and we want to show to the Chinese government what a courageous and inspiring figure he was, not only for the Chinese people, but for the whole world," they added. Liu Xiaobo was arrested in 2008 after helping to initiate Charter 08, a bold petition calling for democracy, the rule of law and an end to censorship. With the accusation of undermining the Chinese government he was then sentenced to 11 years in prison. In 2010 he was awarded the Nobel peace prize, which he couldn't personally receive due to the sentence.

On June 26 2017, Liu Xiaobo has been released from prison on medical parole after he was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. Despite the demands of many world leaders the Chinese government denied him medical treatment overseas. Due to the maltreatment and torture Liu Xiaobo had to suffer in prison. He died yesterday on July 13 2017.

"Our condolences go out to Liu Xiaobo's family and especially his wife Liu Xia. We demand the Chinese government to release her from house arrest and allow her to depart China, just as she wishes," they said in a statement.

"We pledge to work hard and carry on the legacy of Liu Xiaobo, until China is free and until Tibet is free," they said, adding: "Rest in Peace, Liu Xiaobo."