Sikyong meets with Japanese lawmakers on critical situation in Tibet

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Tibet-Japan-Sikyong-Lawmakers-Tokyo-2016Tokyo — During a meeting with several members of the Japanese Parliament in Tokyo, on January 13, Sikyong or Tibetan political leader Dr Lobsang Sangay has briefed the critical political situation prevailing inside Tibet. The Japanese lawmakers strongly expressed their solidarity and assured their continued support towards the Tibet issue.

The breakfast meeting was held at the House of Representatives building in Tokyo. Dr Sangay briefed the lawmakers about the critical political situation prevailing inside Tibet and the rapid environmental degradation including melting of glaciers on the Tibetan plateau. He said that the melting of glaciers which are the source of Asia's major rivers could have severe implications on downstream countries like Bangladesh and India.

Sikyong also spoke about the wave of self-immolation protests that have taken place inside Tibet since 2009 and described the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans as their unanimous demands.

Dr Sangay also spoke about the growing support for the Middle Way Approach pursued by Central Tibetan Administration to resolve the Tibet issue. He said that world leaders including US President Barack Obama and EU President Donald Tusk voiced their support to the Middle Way Approach.

The Japanese parliamentarians, on their part, expressed their solidarity and assured their continued support towards the Tibet issue. They also called for more such visits from the Tibetan leadership to garner more support for the Tibetan struggle in Japan.

Following the breakfast, Sikyong held a meeting with the Chairperson and members of Japan Institute for National Fundamentals, a reputed Japanese think-tank led by Ms Sakurai Yoshiko, a staunch Tibet supporter and a well-known Japanese  TV personality.

At the meeting, Sikyong discussed the dangers of China's political mindset with its tendency of Han Chauvinism and right-wing aggressive nationalism.

Dr Sangay called for a civilizational shift in China to transform its aggressive mindset to a more pacified Buddhist mindset to avoid the dangers that it could cause both to itself and its neighbors.

Sikyong also talked about the lack of artistic liberties in Tibet as well as in China citing several examples of popular artistes who have voiced their concern.

He further talked about the growing number of Buddhists among the Chinese people and the fact that an increasing number of Chinese Buddhists come to the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in India, remarking hopefully that change could be ushered in China through the agency of Buddhist philosophies such as non-violence and compassion.

He also expressed gratitude to the international community for their financial aid and moral support to strengthen the Central Tibetan Administration and other Tibetan institutions, adding that freedom for the Tibetan people and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet remain the present Kashag's two major objectives.

This is Dr Lobsang Sangay's second visit to Japan as Sikyong. His visit included a series of talks at Japanese colleges and a visit to the new Office of Tibet building. Sikyong last visited Japan in April 2012.