TWA concludes Tibetan women’s advanced leadership training in Delhi

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Tibet-TWA-Leadership-Training-2015New Delhi — The seven-day intensive 'Tibetan Women's Advanced Leadership Training' concluded on Sunday, December 27, at the India Habitat Centre with a panel discussion titled ''Beijing plus 20: Women's Leadership Status in Asia.'

Four prominent personalities graced the event as the key speakers: Mani Shankar Aiyar, Member of Indian Parliament and Author, Dr. Ananya Vajpeyi, Historian and Professor, Lynda Lepcha, Author and Trainer, and Dr. Renuka Singh, Author and Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

Moderated by Dhardon Sharling, Member of Tibetan Parliament in exile, the two-hour discussion mapped the status of women's leadership in Asia in a Beijing-plus-20 scenario.

"Twenty years on from the Beijing Conference on women, we reflected on the Beijing Platform for Action, its successes and setbacks, in theory and in practice, from the global to the local," said Dhardon Sharling. "We hope that this discussion will affirm women's active participation in all spheres of public and private life through a full and equal share in economic, social, cultural and political decision-making," said Dhardon.

The seve-day training included both inbound and outbound training. The two key trainers were Lynda Lepcha from Holistic Training Solutions, Dhardon Sharling, Member TPIE and PhD candidate. The topics covered included 'Building personal leadership, Building professional leadership, Communication Skills, Documentary Filmmaking and Citizen Journalism.

The outbound training covered a seven day of morning yoga, a site visit to the exhibition on 'Tibetan self immolations' titled 'Burning Against the Dying of Light', a day-long outdoor project documenting a humanitarian project undertaken by the participants and a day of lobbying Indian member of the Parliament.

"On December 26, our trainees met and greeted sixteen members of parliamentarians from both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha as a part of the lobbying practice during the training said Dolma Yangchen, President of TWA

"The training also resulted in production of four films documenting a humanitarian project carried out by each group. This is a direct journalistic venture. The entire cluster of four films will be showcased at various international platforms and also will be sent to various human rights film festivals," said Dolma.

Twenty six female participants from different professional backgrounds participated in this training.

"The training was tough and also stressful at times. Our schedule begins at 7 am in the morning and ends at 12 midnight. But we ended up learning a great deal. It was very effective and a lifetime experience for me." Said Sonam Dolma, a participant from Nepal.

"TWA's training truly lives up to its goal of empowering an entire generation of Tibetan female leaders." said Tenzin Choezom participant from London, U.K. TWA's slogan is advocacy for home, action in exile.