Brussels — Tibetan activists from the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Belgium organised a protest against China and its hard-line policy towards Tibetans. They called on China to stop the illegal collection of DNA from Tibetan and Uighur children. The activists said, "China stole my land, my voice, and my freedom."

Dharamshala, India – Tibetans commemorated the 33rd anniversary of conferment of Nobel Peace Prize on His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamshala and Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile said, "the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness the Dalai Lama has served to convince people to have faith in the method of nonviolence. And it also became an admirable symbol of the recognition of the justness of the struggle of the Tibetan people.”

Dharamshala, India – Tibetans commemorated the 33rd anniversary of conferment of Nobel Peace Prize on His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamshala and Kashag said, "the Tibetans are forced to express gratitude to the Chinese government and coerced to follow the so-called advanced Chinese culture and way of life. This system of all-encompassing control of society is unheard of in the world. No one other than the Chinese government in this world can think of such policies which violate people’s inherent human rights and dignity.”

Dharamshala, India— Tibetans in Dharamshala held a candlelight vigil to express their solidarity with the current critical situation in Tibet and China, and they said, “current Covid restriction policy is a hidden policy to eradicate Tibetan people and Tibetan culture from this earth. We strongly condemn the misuse of such policy by Chinese officials.”

Dharamshala, India – A long life prayer offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama by Drepung Gomang Monastery and Lhadhen Chotrul Monlam Chenmo Trust on Wednesday. His Holiness said, "Monks and nuns in Tibetan monasteries and in the entire Himalayan region, continue to study and practice the Dharma. Learn to recognise destructive emotions and to tackle them. "

Dharamshala, India — Students for a Free Tibet organised a signature campaign to call on Thermo Fisher to stop selling Chinese DNA kits that are used to steal the DNA of innocent Tibetans, even as young as five years old. They said, "Thermofisherscientific has a responsibility to its shareholders and the wider international community to do their due diligence and ensure that the company's products are not used for repression."

Dharamshala — TCV Global Family and North American Tibetan Association Offer Long life Prayers to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on October 26, and His Holiness said, “I meditate on bodhichitta and emptiness every day, as a result of which I feel at ease in my mind and I am physically fit. So, I urge all of you too to work hard to develop bodhichitta, which will bring you peace of mind.”

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