Tibetans organised a memorial event for Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

The chief guest Kalon Gyari Dolma, Geshe Lhador, Geshe Tsering Dorjee and Dorjee Rinchen launched the book > on July 12, 2024. (Photo: TPI)

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Dharamshala — On the day of Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's unjust death in Chinese prison, the Rinpoche's students and followers organised a memorial event for the Rinpoche to commemorate his significant contributions to Tibetan religion, culture, language, environment and education, as well as the launch of a book about the Rinpoche entitled <<The Truth Told by Nyima Lhamo>> by Rinpoche's niece in Dharamshala on July 12, 2024.

The Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Service Committee, in collaboration with Dorjee Rinchen, author of <<The Truth Told by Nyima Lhamo>> and other books about the late Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, and Rinpoche's students have organised a memorial event for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche on July 12, 2024, at the hall of Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Gankyi, Dharamshala, HP, India.

The chief guest was Kalon (Minister) Gyari Dolma from the Security Department of the Central Tibetan Administration, the special guest was Geshe Lhador, Director of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Geshe Tsering Dorjee, Chairman of the Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Service Committee, and author Dorjee Rinchen. Rinpoche's students and Tibetans attended the event to recall Rinpoche's great sacrifice to protect Tibetan language, religion and culture from the harsh policies of the Chinese government.

The event began with the lighting of a butter lamp by Kalon Gyari Dolma, in front of the portrait of Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. This was followed by a minute's silent reflection in honour of the Tibetan self-immolators who have courageously sacrificed their lives to protest against repression by the Chinese government.

Rinpoche's student, Geshe Tsering Dorjee, then introduced the event by stating that today is the day that Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was murdered by the Chinese authorities while serving his sentence in a Chinese prison on July 12, 2015. “We should remember his great works on Tibetan religion, culture and environment, as well as the Tibetans who sacrificed their lives for the Tibetan cause and a free Tibet,” he said.

Rinchen Dorjee spoke about the book <<The Truth Told by Nyima Lhamo>> and its importance. He said: “After the sudden death of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, few people knew the details of his death, but his niece Nyima Lhamo courageously escaped from Tibet to India in order to tell the world the truth about her uncle's unjust death and to demand justice, a full investigation for Rinpoche.”

“The book tells how Rinpoche was arrested without any crime, how he suffered in the Chinese prison, how his students and local Tibetans pleaded for his release, how the Chinese authorities shot at peaceful followers and demonstrators, how Tibetans were beaten and arrested by the Chinese authorities and, finally, how he was murdered by the Chinese, and how the Chinese authorities refused to return Rinpoche's body to his family because they feared that the cause of death would become known to the people, how she and other Tibetans were detained and tortured, how she tried to immolate herself in front of the Chinese prison,” he added.

“After arriving in a free country, she campaigned and sought justice for her uncle, in particular by exposing the crimes committed by the Chinese authorities against Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and other Tibetan prisoners before the European Parliament's Sub-Committee on Human Rights, Amnesty International, the 74th Assembly of the United Nations in New York, the United States Senate, the British Parliament, and others,” he concluded.

Tsering Dorjee addressed the assembly, recalling the great works of the late Tenzin Delek Rinpoche as a Buddhist leader, environmentalist and advocate of gender equality; his teaching of Buddhism to Tibetan monks, Tibetans and nuns, the establishment of the first monastery for Tibetan nuns and the founding of 8 monasteries in total.

"Rinpoche treats everyone equally and does not like to bow to the Chinese or other leaders; he values equality between Chinese and Tibetans. Rinpoche has protected trees from being cut down by the Chinese authorities and against mining in the Lithang areas. He also prevented local Tibetans from killing wild animals. He built schools for orphans and nomadic children who were not able to attend Chinese schools, providing them with free food, accommodation and education. Rinpoche always attached importance to the unity of Tibetans and used to advise Tibetans on the importance of the unity of the three provinces of Tibet. Therefore, we Tibetans in exile should follow Rinpoche's teaching and guidance, be united amongst ourselves and take responsibility for the Tibetan cause," he said.

Geshe Lhador gave a speech on the importance of keeping the Tibetan religion and language alive in exile, where we are free to practise and learn, which is what Tenzin Delek Rinpoche tried so hard to do in Tibet. He also encouraged Tibetans to keep a date or record of the Chinese government's destruction of the Tibetan environment, monasteries, closure of Tibetan schools and eradication of the Tibetan language and identity. These can then be shown to the world.

Kalon Gyari Dolma recalled Rinpoche's significant work on Tibetan religion, culture, language and education. On behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, she expressed her sincere gratitude to all patriots, including Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, for their great sacrifices and unwavering courage in advocating the Tibetan cause. She also stressed the imperative of solidarity and harmony between Tibetans to advance the collective cause of Tibet.

International Tibet Network gives the 2024 Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's Medal Of Courage Award to the Dege protesters. In Februrary, 2024, groups of the Tibetan monks, students and local residents of Dege County, Tibet, have protested against China's plans to construct the Kamtok hydropower dam in their area, which would see the destruction of their community, cultural heritage and the environment. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Medal Of Courage honours his life and legacy by recognising Tibetan Human Rights Defenders that are fighting for freedom, justice and human rights in the face of Chinese oppression.

International Tibet Network wrote, "In the face of China's brutal repression, the Dege protesters shine as beacons of hope and courage. The 2024 Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Medal of Courage recognises their unwavering commitment to Tibetan's push for human rights and environmental justice. We honour their struggle."

In 2002, in what was claimed to be a politically motivated charge, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was arrested by Chinese authorities for his alleged involvement in a bomb blast that occurred in Chengdu city. The real reason for his arrest by Chinese authorities, however, is believed to be his growing popularity among the public and his staunch loyalty to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve on December 2, 2002. This charge was laid irrespective of the fact that Rinpoche had proved his innocence against all the Chinese allegations.

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a highly respected Tibetan spiritual teacher and one of the most prominent Tibetan political prisoners, died on July 12, 2015, during his twenty-year incarceration in a Chinese prison.