Ninety People Arrested And Twenty Injured In Nyakchu District, Lithang, Eastern Tibet

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Dharamshala: Today, sources in eastern Tibet reported to The Tibet Post International that on December 5, over 300 of people in the towns of Golok and Othog in Nyakchu district, eastern Tibet began a peaceful demonstration and hunger strike for the release of Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a famous Tibetan spiritual leader. So far, 90 people have been already arrested and around 20 seriously injured.

Gyata Trinley and Lobsang Jangchu, and 58 others, represented the Golok area of Nyakchu district in Lithang County (eastern Tibet), during talks with Chinese officials held in Dhartsedho district, which also began on the 5th, after two days, it is still unknown whether they are detained or not. Dhukar Tsering, Gawa Tsering Dhondup, Dhondhu, Ashar, Lodhon, Ageh, Ngade, Jamtrin, and Druk Gyathar were among the 90 Tibetans already arrested after brutally beaten in the protest. They are being detained in Nyakchu district at present, among them 20 Tibetans have reportedly been seriously injured from Chinese beatings during the protest.

All of the restaurants, shops and guest houses in Nyakchu district, Lithang County have been closed for the strike.

Chinese security forces have reportedly been heavily deployed to Golok and Othok areas in Nyakchu district, and have surrounded the towns and villages.

The demonstration and hunger strike has continued for three days, with protesters in front of the local Chinese government office saying that they will not stop until Chinese authorities release Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, who has committed no crime against anyone. The protesters emphasized the peaceful aspect of their demonstrations, told the Chinese officials that they were not "anti-China"-they have no political agenda or outside influence, and are not protesting for any cause other than Tenzin Delek's release. They stated that without the Trulku Tenzin Delek, they are left alone to face problems "like children without parents".

When the protests broke out three days ago, Tsering Dheng Dheng, Tsering Dakpa, Tsering (brothers), Lobsang, and two others went to the city of Chendu, in Sichuan province, to appeal to the Chinese court to reconsider Tenzin Delek's life sentence. At first, the Chinese officials agreed to reverse the court decision, but later they claimed that there are no records of Tenzin Delek having received a court sentence in the first place.

Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was born in 1950 in Lithang, and is widely acclaimed for his work to develop social, medical, educational and religious institutions for Tibetan nomads in eastern Tibet, to advocate for environmental conservation in the face of destructive logging and mining projects, and as a mediator between Tibetans and Chinese. He was sentenced to death in 2002 for his alleged involvement in a series of bombings in eastern Tibet, but on 26 January 2005, the Chinese authorities commuted his sentence to life imprisonment. Along with the Tibetan protesters, overseas human rights groups and UN human rights experts argue that the case against Tenzin Delek is seriously flawed, and continue to support his release, or a fair retrial.

This is an exclusive Tibet news from The Tibet Post International.